Confindustria Innovation Hub is the National Digital Innovation Hub created by Confindustria as part of the project financed by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy under the PNRR. Confindustria Innovation Hub makes use of the operational coordination of Confindustria Training Systems and operates through the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) of the network established by Confindustria in 2017, structures that support companies throughout the national territory, providing digital assessment and orientation services, with the objective of: • promoting the demand for innovation in the production system, • increasing awareness of the opportunities offered by the digitalisation of processes and products, • operating as an access point for companies to the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0.
Who is it aimed at?
Confindustria Innovation Hub provides businesses (primarily SMEs) with services that allow them to carry out, through the use of a web-based digital platform, an in-depth multidimensional analysis of business processes, highlighting strengths and weaknesses in terms of digitalisation and of cybersecurity, in order to provide the company with a detailed snapshot of its status in relation to the relevant sector benchmarks and technological trends.
What does it predict
Confindustria Innovation Hub provides three types of services to businesses: 1. MODULAR DIGITAL FIRST-ASSESSMENT AND ORIENTATION SERVICE: for the analysis of the level of digital maturity of business processes and for the identification of possible digital innovation paths (within of the service, companies have the possibility to choose whether to benefit from both modules provided (First Assessment + Orientation), or even just one of the two, depending on the specific needs identified with the DIH assessors).2. CYBERSECURITY ASSESSMENT: for the analysis of corporate resilience on the IT security front and to introduce the culture of cyber risk management into the company.3. DIGITAL SUPPLY CHAIN ASSESSMENT: for the analysis of digital maturity along the entire supply chain with the aim of identifying technological gaps and providing a consolidated vision of the level of digitalisation of the supply chain.