Call for contributions to businesses.
Who is it aimed at?
The notice is aimed at companies that possess the following minimum mandatory requirements: 1) carry out direct retail sales of goods, as defined in art. 4, c. 1, letter. b) and art. 27, c. 1, letter. a) of Legislative Decree 31/3/98, n. 114 and are neighborhood businesses pursuant to letter d) of the same paragraph and article; they must not be included in the list, for the purposes of the regional tender referred to in DD n. 340/A2009B/2022 of 12/13/2022, neighborhood businesses included in Shopping Centers; 2) carry out the activity of serving food and drinks to the public, as per LR no. 38 of 29/12/2006 containing “Regulations for the exercise of the activity of supplying food and drinks”; 3) resale activities of newspapers and magazines only for the types of expenditure foreseen for other commercial activities.
What does it predict
Non-repayable contribution up to 90%