The Municipality of the City of Chiusi, with this notice, promotes the granting of non-repayable contributions provided for by the "Regulation for the granting of contributions to commercial, artisanal and service activities", adopted with resolution of the City Council no. 18, of 04/16/2004, and subsequent amendments and additions, and by the resolution of the Municipal Council no. 105 of 03/23/2023.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies that have opened new neighborhood businesses (art. 13, paragraph 1, letter d) of LR 62/2018), public businesses (art. 47, paragraph 1, letter a) can benefit from the non-repayable contribution. of LR 68/2018) start-up of tourist-accommodation facilities (LR 86/2016), start-up of artisan businesses (LR 22/10/2008 n. 53) and start-up of other service activities for tourism and/or culture, and who undertook the activity during 2023. The activities must have their operational headquarters within the territorial area of the Natural Shopping Centers of Chiusi Città or Chiusi Scalo or elsewhere in the municipal territory with the exclusion of medium and large-scale distribution shopping centers (art 3, paragraph 2, of the regulation approved with resolution of the CC n.18 of 16/04/2004). The new opening of a production site also means the transfer of the operational headquarters. The contribution can be granted for the opening of a single business.
What does it predict
The benefit consists in the provision of a contribution from a minimum of 800 euros to a maximum of 2000 euros.