The Notice provides for the granting of non-repayable contributions to support trade and craft activities, provided for by the national fund for economic, craft and commercial activities for the years 2020-2022, pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 24 September 2020 with the subject «Allocation, terms, methods of access and reporting of contributions to the municipalities of the internal areas, under the Fund to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities for each of the years from 2020 to 2022.» and Regulation (EU) no. 1407/2013 of the Commission, of 18 December 2013.
Who is it aimed at?
It is aimed at small and micro enterprises - referred to in the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development of 18 April 2005 which carry out, at the date of submission of the application, economic activities in the commercial and artisanal sector (registered in the register of artisanal enterprises) through a operational unit (local unit) located in the territory of the Municipality of Gropparello or which have undertaken new economic activities in the municipal territory, meaning by new activities those activated and in operation in the year 2022.
What does it predict
The notice provides for economic support actions for investment costs in financeable initiatives referred to in art. 4, paragraph 2, letter. b) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 24 September 2020 and, in particular, the provision of non-repayable contributions for investment expenses incurred from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022, which facilitate restructuring, modernisation, expansion for product innovation and process, including technological innovations induced by the digitalisation of online marketing processes.