Granting of non-refundable grants to support young entrepreneurs operating in the Arona area - 2024

October 1, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Commerce, Catering


0 €





October 7, 2024
November 5, 2024


No additional notes


Announcement for the granting of non-repayable contributions to support young entrepreneurs operating in the Arona area - reference year 2024. 

Who is it aimed at?

Companies operating in the Arona area in the sectors of crafts, retail trade and public businesses are eligible for the benefits of this announcement and which: • have started craft, retail or public business activities in the Arona area in the year 2023 (the date of commencement of the business is valid as shown in the Business Register); • have the legal configuration of an individual business or partnership; • whose owner, on the date of commencement of the business, is of no age over thirty-five years of age (in the case of a sole proprietorship); • average age of the legal representative partners, at the date of commencement of the business, not exceeding thirty-five years of age (in the case of a company); • to whose owner or partners it has not been applied one of the measures provided for in Book I, Title I Chapter II of Legislative Decree 159/2011 (anti-mafia);• which at the date of submission of the application employ fewer than 3 people (excluding the owner or worker members). 

What does it predict

The contribution is aimed at supporting the expenses incurred for: • the acquisition of capital goods such as plants, equipment, technologies, machinery and vehicles that have been allocated to the new activity; • the acquisition of furnishings intended for the new activity; • the obligations bureaucratic procedures necessary for the start-up and management of the business (e.g. expenses for an accountant, expenses for registration in the business register, expenses for registration with INAIL, etc.);• the installation of new signs or other advertising or elements of street furniture outside the business. 

Objective – Purpose

Youth entrepreneurship

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

0 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

3333 €

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses, Plant/Machinery/Equipment

Minimum concession that can be granted

500 €

Maximum grantable benefit

1000 €
Subject type
Business - predominantly young people


Microenterprise, Medium Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Commerce, Catering


47.19; 56.10; 56.30; 47.50; 47.72; 47.51; 47.73; 47.70; 47.71; 47.59; 47.78; 47.79; 47.10; 47.54; 47.76; 47.11; 47.77; 47.30; 47.52; 47.74; 47.53; 47.75; 47.29; 56.00; 47.61; 47.40; 47.62; 47.60; 47.80; 47.25; 47.26; 47.23; 47.24; 47.21; 47.43; 47.65; 47.00; 47.22; 47.41; 47.63; 47.20; 47.42; 47.64





Special territorial scope


Other features

The applications must be delivered directly to the Protocol Office of the Municipality of Arona - Via San Carlo 2. A contribution equal to 30% of the financeable expenses eligible for contribution is recognized and in any case for a sum not exceeding that determined, pursuant to the current Regulation by the Municipal Council. The maximum amount of each contribution cannot exceed €1,000.00.

Managing entity

Municipality of Arona

Primary regulatory basis

Regulation for the granting of non-repayable contributions to support young entrepreneurs operating in the Arona area
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Regulation for the granting of non-repayable contributions to support young entrepreneurs operating in the Arona area

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

2250 €

Reference site on-the-aronese-territory/

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