CET (Clean Energy Transition) is a partnership that aims to achieve the objectives of energy saving, clean energy production and diversification of energy supply sources.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies of any size that carry out industrial/commercial/transport/auxiliary activities of the previous ones, artisan companies, agro-industrial companies, Universities, Research Centers and Research Organisations.
What does it predict
In order to promote and accelerate an energy transition that will lead Europe to become the first continent with zero climate impact, €16,000,000.00 (sixteen million/00) will be allocated from the availability of resources assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development referred to in Table A, attached to the Decree of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of 6 August 2021 and subsequent amendments, Mission 4, Component 2, Type of Investment, Intervention 2.2 Partnerships - for research and innovation - Horizon Europe. A 40% share of the 10 million euro allocation is reserved for companies located in the Southern regions.