MAD - Management Advisor srl

SIMEST certifications and consultancy – Fund 394

What you need to know

The measure encourages the implementation of company internationalization projects concerning:

(i) specialist consultancy and feasibility studies for the internationalization of the company - including training relating to export and internationalization issues - and/or for digital, technological and product innovation with a view to the internationalization of the activity business;

(ii) obtaining product certifications, for the protection of intellectual property rights, sustainability and technological innovation certifications.

IMPORTANT: Projects relating to the activities referred to in point (i) must be regulated through the exclusive support of third-party consultancy companies.

The projects relating to the activities referred to in point (ii) can be carried out directly by the Applicant Company or through consultancy companies.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises that have filed at least two financial statements relating to two complete financial years with the Business Registry.

What it finances

Consultancy for investigations and feasibility studies for internationalization aimed at identifying, developing and strengthening the presence on foreign markets of interest.

  • Export/internationalization training:
    • Expenses for training the management and/or staff of the requesting company relating to export and internationalization initiatives;
    • Consultancy for technological and product innovation relating to production processes and environmental sustainability.
    • Product and environmental sustainability certifications:
      • to. Expenses for product and/or service innovation/adaptation or other expenses aimed at obtaining international certifications;
      • b. Expenses for obtaining product and/or service licenses, trademark registration or other forms of protection of Made in Italy;
      • Expenses for consultancy preparatory to obtaining certifications.
  • Project support costs (max 20% of the Subsidy Intervention - of the reported amount):
    • to. Travel and accommodation expenses by the directors of the requesting company;
    • b. Travel and accommodation expenses (incoming) of potential local partners (excluding customers);
  • Professional consultancy fees for checks on compliance with national environmental legislation.
  • Expenses for consultancy aimed at presenting and managing the request for Facilitative Intervention for a value of up to a maximum of 5% of the approved amount.
    The recognition of the aforementioned expenses is subject to the prior transmission to SIMEST of the Contract and the declaration of independence of the consultant, during the submission of the application and/or in the subsequent phases of the financing.

The financing application can concern a maximum of three countries.


The maximum amount of the Facilitation Intervention that the Requesting Company can request is equal to the lesser of:

  • 500,000 (five hundred thousand) euros; – 20% (twenty) of the average revenues resulting from the last two financial statements (item A1 of the income statement); Non-repayable co-financing up to 10% (ten) of the amount of the Facilitation Intervention and in any case up to a maximum of €100,000 (one hundred thousand), in the presence of the following requirements:

(i) It is an SME (also Micro Enterprise), with operational headquarters in the regions of Southern Italy (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily) established for at least 6 (six) months;

(ii) It is an SME (also Micro Enterprise), in possession of environmental/sustainability certifications (ISO 45001, ISO 14001, SA8000);

(iii) It is an SME (also Micro Enterprise), youthful (ie enterprise made up of 60% (sixty) by young people between 18 (eighteen) and 35 (thirty-five) years old or for joint-stock companies, enterprise in which the shares of participation is held by 60% (sixty) young people between 18 (eighteen) and 35 (thirty-five) years old);

(iv) It is an SME (also Micro Enterprise), female (i.e. a company made up of 60% (sixty) by women
or for joint-stock companies, a company in which the shares are held 60% (sixty) by women );

(v) It is an SME (also Micro Enterprise), with a share of export turnover resulting from the VAT returns of the last two financial years equal to 20% (twenty) of the total turnover;

(vi) It is an innovative SME (also Micro Enterprise) (ie enterprise registered as an innovative SME at the special section of the chamber of commerce);

(vii) It is an enterprise, even if not an SME or Micro Enterprise, in possession of environmental/sustainability certifications (ISO 45001, ISO 14001, SA8000) and which by the date of the first Disbursement can provide evidence of:

– have issued a Sustainable Procurement Policy (SPP) containing ESG8 principles;

– adherence of at least 5 suppliers of the Applicant Company, with supply contracts stipulated at least 12 months after the submission of the Application, to one or more ESG principles contained in the SPP;

– implementation process of the aforementioned Policy;

– corrective plans in the event of non-compliance of one or more suppliers (for example termination of the relationship with the aforementioned supplier or warning and time to adapt);

– tools and methods for monitoring suppliers with reference to compliance with the aforementioned Policy

The overall duration of the Financing is 4 (four) years starting from the date of signing of the Contract with Simest, of which:

– Pre-amortization period: 2 (two) years

– Repayment Period: 2 (two) years


The Disbursement of the Subsidy Intervention takes place in two tranches, on the Dedicated Current Account of the Requesting Company, according to the following methods:

– 1st tranche: equal to 25% (twenty-five) of the Subsidy Intervention, as an advance, is disbursed within thirty (30) days from the date of fulfillment of any conditions precedent for the disbursement which must be satisfied within three (3 ) months from the Signing Date.

– 2nd tranche: is paid as a balance of the Eligible Expenses reported and – within the maximum limit of the approved Facilitative Intervention – within 4 (four) months following the end of the Implementation Period, provided that the same expenses are reported and documented, within 30 (days) following the end of the Implementation Period.


Starting from July 27th and until funds last.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Who is it aimed at?

Small businesses, Medium businesses, Micro businesses, Enterprise - predominantly female, SMEs, MSMEs


Non-repayable contribution


Until funds run out


July 27, 2023

Geographic area

Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta, Veneto


Services, Other services

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