MAD - Management Advisor srl

Certification of Gender Equality ESF Lombardy 2021-2027

What you need to know

The call is divided into two funding lines:

Financing line A)

"Consultancy services to accompany certification", companies will be able to turn to suppliers with proven
experience in the topics covered by this measure.

Financing line B)

"Gender equality certification service" companies will be able to contact exclusively bodies accredited by Accredia (Italian Accreditation Body), as required by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 29 April 2022.

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises regularly registered and active in the Business Register or holders of an active VAT number at the time of submission of the grant application; with an active operational headquarters in the Lombardy Region or, if only holder of a VAT number, have tax domicile in Lombardy and have at least one (1) employee on the staffing plan at the date of submission of the loan application.

Type of eligible interventions

  • The criteria for participation in the measure are as follows:
  • each company can submit only one application to receive the contribution relating to Financing Line A, it is necessary
    to also request the contribution relating to Financing Line B
  • it is possible to request only the contribution on financing line B
  • the recognition of contributions for both financing lines will be linked to obtaining certification
  • the amount of contributions assigned to companies will be defined in the Implementation Notice on the basis of the number of employees present in the operational/production units located in the Lombardy Region on the date of submission of the application.


  • Maximum value of the voucher for consultancy services (Line A) €7,000
  • Maximum value of the voucher for certification service (Line B) €9,000

The public contribution paid cannot exceed 80% of the eligible expenses actually incurred by the company. The contribution will be paid on a de minimis basis.

From 02/01/2023 at 10:00:00 am to 12/13/2024 at 5:00 pm, while resources last.

For further information contact Dr. Angela Colosimo.

Email: | Mobile: 347.7135918

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Who is it aimed at?

Small businesses, Medium businesses, Micro businesses, Large businesses


Tax relief


December 13, 2024


February 1, 2023

Geographic area



Services, Other services

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