MAD - Management Advisor srl

Capacity building for cultural operators to manage the ecological transition – TOCC
















No additional notes

The Notice envisages financing capacity building projects which will have the objective of transferring to cultural operators, active in the national territory, skills and knowledge aimed at limiting the ecological footprint in cultural production with reference to the organization and realization of cultural events such as reviews, festivals, exhibitions, expositions and other artistic events.

Eligible subjects

It is aimed at public or private organizations, duly established before 12/31/2020, individually, or aggregated in specialized networks, which possess the following requirements:

have skills and experience in the field of training,
research, activities to reduce the environmental footprint in production and participation, the development of creative and cultural businesses in relation to at least one of the sectors contained in the macro - thematic areas of listed below:

  • Macro
    scope A: Music, Audiovisual and radio (including: film/cinema, television, video games, software and multimedia, Live entertainment and Festivals)
  • Macro area B: Fashion, Architecture and Design, Artistic Craftsmanship
  • Macro-scope C: Visual arts (including photography), tangible and intangible cultural heritage (including: archives, libraries and museums); Publishing, books and literature

– have organised/carried out, in the last five years, at least one of the following types of intervention:

  • Acceleration/open innovation for the creation of new products, services, processes and work profiles and new innovative practices/models/ideas;
  • Capacity of organizations operating in the cultural and creative sector for the implementation of innovative projects aimed at encouraging the green approach along the entire cultural and creative supply chain;
  • Empowerment of the skills of operators in the cultural and creative organizations supply chain.

What it finances

Each proposing entity must present at least two capacity building projects each for a minimum amount of 100,000 euros.
The projects must be attributable to one of the following types of intervention:

  • Acceleration/open innovation for the creation of new products, services, processes and work profiles and new innovative practices/models/ideas.
  • Capacity for accompanying the development and implementation of projects, proposed by organizations operating
    in the cultural and creative sector, which pursue the objective of implementing projects aimed at encouraging the green approach.
    In particular, they must refer to the reduction of the environmental impact of cultural events such as exhibitions, festivals, shows,
    exhibitions and other artistic events;
  • Empowerment of the skills of operators in the cultural and creative organizations supply chain.

The capacity building activities, the subject of the projects presented, must have as final recipients the subjects of the cultural and creative supply chain, be they profit or non-profit subjects, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, third sector subjects and natural persons, operating in the national territory

And examples of financeable expenses:

  • expenses for the rental of properties, such as, for example, rooms and classrooms, used to host the Recipients of the Project, including any depreciation fees, in proportion to the time of use for the activities envisaged by the financed Project and in a period congruent with the implementation times of the latter;
  • expenses relating to consultancy contracts, continuous or fixed-term collaboration, professional services, consistent with
    current legislation, provided that the object of the signed contract expressly and exclusively concerns the activities envisaged by the financed project, including teaching activities, and that the period reported is congruent with the implementation times;
  • expenses for the acquisition of services and performances, strictly linked to the activities carried out, in proportion to the time of use for the latter and in a period congruent with the implementation times of the Project;


The benefits are granted in the form of a non-repayable contribution, up to 80% of the eligible expenses and in any case for a maximum amount of 240,000 euros on average per project presented.


Starting from 12.00 on 15 June 2023 until 18.00 on 25 August 2023.

Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation


Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs


Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type



Activity sector








Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure


References Official Journal


Incentive allocation


Reference site


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