The Call intends to strengthen the ability of companies to operate on international markets, assisting them in identifying new business opportunities in markets already served and in scouting new or first outlet markets. In this delicate phase of the global economy, particular commitment is aimed at evaluating possible market possibilities, helping MSMEs to diversify their commercial outlets. The objective is to implement immediate support actions for businesses, in the form of contributions assigned to partially cover the expenses incurred for the acquisition of internationalization services.
Who is it aimed at?
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Annex I to Regulation no. can benefit from the benefits referred to in this Notice. 651/2014/EU of the European Commission, with registered office in the province of Lecce, which are registered in the Company Register in the district of Lecce as of 30.12.2020.
What does it predict
The benefits will be granted in the form of vouchers, which will have a maximum unit amount of €6,000.00. The maximum amount of the subsidy cannot exceed 50% of the expenses deemed eligible. For participation in international fairs, a maximum contribution of 1,500.00 euros will be granted for events taking place in the Puglia region, 3,000.00 euros for participation in fairs taking place in other Italian regions and 6,000.00 euros for fairs abroad .