With the initiative "I4.0 digital voucher call - Year 2024", a Measure is proposed that responds to the following objectives: - developing the capacity for collaboration between MSMEs and between them and highly qualified subjects in the field of using I4.0 technologies , through the implementation of projects aimed at introducing new I4.0 business models and green oriented models; - promoting the use, by MSMEs of the territorial chamber of commerce, of services or solutions focused on the new skills and digital technologies being implemented of the strategy defined in the I4.0 Transition Plan; - promote digitalisation and automation interventions functional to the operational continuity of companies after the Covid-19 health emergency.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies which, at the date of submission of the application and until the granting of the aid, meet the following requirements are eligible for the benefits referred to in this Notice: a) they are Micro, Small or Medium-sized enterprises as defined in Annex 1 of the EU regulation n. 651/20143;b) have registered office and/or local units in the territorial district of the Trapani Chamber of Commerce;c) are active and in compliance with the registration in the Company Register;d) are in compliance with the payment of the fee annual; e) are not in a state of bankruptcy, liquidation (even voluntary), controlled administration, composition with creditors or in any other equivalent situation according to current legislation; f) have legal representatives, administrators (with or without powers of representation) and shareholders for which there are no causes of prohibition, forfeiture or suspension provided for by the art. 67 of Legislative Decree. 6 September 2011, n.159 (Code of anti-mafia laws and prevention measures, as well as new provisions regarding anti-mafia documentation). The subjects subjected to the anti-mafia check are those indicated in the art. 85 of the Legislative Decree. 6 September 2011, n.159;g) have fulfilled their contribution obligations and are in compliance with the regulations on health and safety at work referred to in the Legislative Decree. 9 April 2008, n. 81 and subsequent amendments and additions; h) do not have supplies of services being provided with the Trapani Chamber of Commerce pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree 95 of 6 July 2012, converted into Law 7 August 2012, n.1354.
What does it predict
With this announcement we intend to finance non-repayable contributions (vouchers).