Call for I4.0 Digital Vouchers – Year 2023

December 11, 2023


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport services, Tourism







January 9, 2024
March 22, 2024


No additional notes


The IAA Frosinone-Latina Chamber of Commerce as part of the activities envisaged by the I4.0 Transition Plan, and in particular of the strategic system initiative "The double digital and ecological transition" authorized by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy with decree of 23 February 2023, intends to promote the diffusion of digital culture and practice in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, of all economic sectors, through economic support for digitalisation initiatives, also aimed at green oriented approaches aimed at supporting the ecological transition of productive fabric. In particular, with the initiative "I4.0 digital voucher call - Year 2023" the intention is to promote the use, by MSMEs in the provinces of Frosinone and Latina, of services or solutions focused on new digital skills and technologies in implementation of the strategy defined in the Transition Plan 4.0.

Who is it aimed at?

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with registered office and/or local units in the territorial district of the Frosinone-Latina Chamber of Commerce

What does it predict

The vouchers will have a maximum unit amount of €10,000.00. The maximum amount of the subsidy cannot exceed 70% of the eligible expenses. The overall expenses assessed as eligible following the investigation, net of VAT, must be equal to or greater than €3,000.00. Companies with a legality rating of 2 will be awarded a bonus of €200.00 within the limit of 100% of eligible expenses and in compliance with the relevant de-minimis ceilings. Under penalty of exclusion, voucher requests must be transmitted exclusively electronically, with digital signature, through the online "Contributions to businesses" desk, within the Info Camere - Servizi e-gov Webtelemaco system, from 12pm :00 of 9 January 2024 to 21:00 of 22 March 2024. Eligible expenses are for: a) consultancy and/or training services relating to one or more technologies among those provided for in the art. 2, paragraph 2 of this Notice. These expenses, where foreseen, are admitted overall within the maximum limit of 30% of the eligible costs; b) purchase of instrumental, tangible and intangible goods and services, including devices and connection costs, functional to the acquisition of the enabling technologies referred to in art. 2, paragraph 2 of the Notice. The provision of the voucher will be subject to verification of the provisions of art. 12 of the Notice and will take place only after the reporting has been sent by the beneficiary company via an electronic procedure similar to the voucher request, and in any case after the outcome of its investigation.

Objective – Purpose

Digitalisation, Innovation and research, Ecological transition

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Professional training, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses, Services, patents and licenses, General expenses/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport services, Tourism


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;




Acquafondata; Acute; Alatri; Alvito; Amaseno; Anagni; Aprilia; Aquinas; Arce; Arnara; Arpino; Atina; Ausonia; Bassianus; Belmonte Castle; Boville Ernica; Broccostella; Campodapple; Campoli Apennines; Casalattico; Casalvieri; Cassino; Castelforte; Castelliri; Castelnuovo Parano; Castro dei Volsci; Castrocielo; Ceccano; Ceprano; Cervaro; Cistern of Latina; Colfelice; Colle San Magno; Collepardo; Coreno Ausonius; Choirs; Esperia; Falvaterra; Ferentino; Fillet; Fiuggi; Funds; Liri Fountain; Fontechiari; Formia; Frosinone; Smoke; Gaeta; Gallinaro; Julian of Rome; Guarcino; Liri Island; Itri; Latin; Lenola; Maenza; Minturn; Monte San Biagio; Monte San Giovanni Campano; Morolo; Norm; Paliano; Pastena; Patrica; Pescosolido; Picinisco; Pico; Piedimonte San Germano; Piglio; Pignataro Interamna; Pofi; Pontecorvo; Pontinia; Ponza; Posta Fibreno; Priverno; Prossedi; Ripi; Rocca Massima; Rocca d'Arce; Roccagorga; Roccasecca; Roccasecca dei Volsci; Sabaudia; San Biagio Saracinisco; San Donato Val di Comino; San Felice Circeo; San Giorgio a Liri; St. John's Assignment; San Vittore del Lazio; Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano; Sant'Andrea del Garigliano; Sant'Apollinare; Sant'Elia Fiumerapido; Saints Cosmas and Damian; Holy Father; Sermoneta; Serrone; Settefrati; Sezze; He gushes; Sonnino; Sora; Sperlonga; Spigno Saturnia; Strangling cocks; Supine; Terelle; Terracina; Cajetani Tower; Torrice; Trevi nel Lazio; Trivigliano; Vallecorsa; Vallemaio; Vallerotonda; Ventotene; Veroli; Vicalvi; Vico nel Lazio; Villa Latina; Villa Santa Lucia; Villa Santo Stefano; Viticuso

Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

IAA Frosinone-Latina Chamber of Commerce

Primary regulatory basis

Economic estimate update 2023: approval.
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Economic estimate update 2023: approval.

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

500000 €

Reference site

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