Call for Digital Voucher I4.0 2024 - Mantua Chamber of Commerce

April 22, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles , Catering, Health, Transport services, Tourism


3000 €





April 15, 2024
April 18, 2024


Call closed on 04/18/2024 due to exhaustion of available resources. Applications can be submitted exclusively electronically from 12:00 on 15/04/2024 until 12:00 on 06/05/2024.


The measure is dedicated to digital innovation projects and the acquisition of products and services aimed at responding to the innovation needs of Mantua's MSMEs.

Who is it aimed at?

the call is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized businesses in Mantua that invest in digital innovation projects and the acquisition of products and services

What does it predict

The assignment of a maximum contribution of 8,000.00 Euros per company is envisaged, granted as a non-repayable grant to cover 50% of the value of the expenses incurred and eligible net of VAT. The minimum investment amount must be equal to or greater than 3,000.00 Euros excluding VAT. The contributions will be paid with the application of the 4% withholding tax pursuant to art. 28, paragraph 2, of Presidential Decree 600/73.

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

3000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

16000 €

Allowed Costs

Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted

0 €

Maximum grantable benefit

8000 €
Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles , Catering, Health, Transport services, Tourism


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;




Acquanegra sul Chiese; Buttonhole; Bagnolo San Vito; Borgo Mantovano; Borgo Virgilio; Borgocarbonara; Cocoon; Canneto sull'Oglio; Casalmoro; Casaloldo; Casalromano; Castel Goffredo; Castel d'Ario; Castelbelforte; Castellucchio; Castiglione delle Stiviere; Cavriana; Ceresara; Commissioning; Curtatone; Dosolo; Gazzuolo; Goito; Gonzaga; Guidizzolo; Magnacavallo; Mantua; Marcaria; Mariana Mantovana; Marmirolo; Medole; Wife; Monzambano; Motteggiana; Hostile; Pegognaga; Piubega; Poggio Rusco; Pomponesque; Bridges over the Mincio; Porto Mantua; Quingentole; Quistello; Redondesco; Rivarolo Mantovano; Rodigo; Roncoferraro; Roverbella; Sabbioneta; San Benedetto Po; San Giacomo delle Segnate; San Giorgio Bigarello; St. John on the Cross; San Martino dall'Argine; Schivenoglia; Sermide and Felonica; Serravalle a Po; Solferino; Substinent; Suzzara; Viadana; Villimpenta; Vault of Mantua

Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

Chamber of commerce, industry, crafts and agriculture of Mantua

Primary regulatory basis

Calls for 2024 - Cyber-Security, Ecological Transition and Sustainable Tourism - Approval
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Calls for 2024 - Cyber-Security, Ecological Transition and Sustainable Tourism - Approval

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

150000 €

Reference site

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