Bicycle tourism 2024 announcement – ​​Strengthening of accommodation services for the development of cycle tourism – CCIAA Milan-Monza-Brianza-Lodi

February 28, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Hotel, Tourism


3000 €





February 28, 2024
October 16, 2025


until the allocated resources are exhausted


Call to promote cycle tourism in the area of ​​Milan Monza Brianza Lodi by supporting the development of related accommodation products and services, also bridging the mismatch between the territorial offer of cycle tourism infrastructures and the availability of bike friendly accommodation facilities.

Who is it aimed at?

Announcement addressed to micro, small, medium and large enterprises whose operational headquarters(s) are the subject of the intervention registered and active in the Business Register in the territorial district of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi.

What does it predict

The benefit consists in the granting of a non-repayable contribution equal to 70% of eligible expenses, for investments aimed at:- creating or enhancing bike-friendly accommodation facilities;- enriching the offer of cycle tourism services and products integrated with the territory;- support upskilling and reskilling processes within cycle tourism. 

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

3000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

999999 €

Allowed Costs

Buildings and land, Professional training, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses, General expenses/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted

2.100 €

Maximum grantable benefit

25000 €
Subject type


Large Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Micro Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Hotel, Tourism


01.21; 11.05; 55.00; 55.10; 55.20; 55.30; 55.90; 56.10; 77.21;




Abbadia Cerreto; Have fat; Agrate Brianza; Aicurzio; Albairate; Albiate; Arconate; Arcore; Arese; Arluno; Assago; Baranzate; Bareggio; Barlassina; Basiano; Basiglio; Bellinzago Lombardo; Bellusco; Bernareggio; Bernate Ticino; Bertonico; Besana in Brianza; Besate; Biassono; Binasco; Boffalora d'Adda; Boffalora above Ticino; Boiled; Borghetto Lodigiano; Borgo San Giovanni; Bovisio-Masciago; Brembio; Bresso; Briosco; Brugherio; Bubbiano; Buccinasco; Burago di Molgora; Knock; Busnago; They knocked; Garolfo bust; Calvignasco; Camairago; Cambiago; Camparada; Canegrate; Caponago; Carate Brianza; Carnate; Carpiano; Carugate; Casaletto Lodigiano; Casalmaiocco; Casalpusterlengo; Casarile; Landi boxes; Lurani boxes; Casorezzo; Cassano d'Adda; Cassina de' Pecchi; Cassinetta di Lugagnano; First Brown; Castelgerundo; Castelnuovo Bocca d'Adda; Castiglione d'Adda; Castiraga Vidardo; Cavacurta; Cavenago d'Adda; Cavenago di Brianza; Ceriano Laghetto; Cernusco sul Naviglio; Cerro Maggiore; Cerro al Lambro; Cervignano d'Adda; Cesano Boscone; Cesano Maderno; Cesate; Cinisello Balsamo; Cisliano; Codogno; Seize; Cologno Monzese; They cultivate; Comazzo; I compete; Corbetta; Cormano; Cornaredo; Cornate d'Adda; Cornegliano Laudense; Young Horn; Cornovecchio; Correzzana; Corsico; Corte Palasio; Crespiatica; Cuggiono; Cusago; Cusano Milanino; Dairago; Desio; Dresano; Fombium; Gaggiano; Galgagnano; Garbagnate Milanese; Pinstripes; Giussano; Gorgonzola; Graffignana; Grezzago; Guardamiglio; Gudo Visconti; Inveruno; Inzago; Lacchiarella; Lainate; Lazzate; Legnano; Slow down on the Seveso; Lesmo; Limbiate; Liscate; Lissone; Livraga; Locate di Triulzi; Praises; Lodi Vecchio; Maccastorna; Macherio; Magenta; Magnago; Mairago; Maleo; Marcallo with Casone; Marudo; Masate; Massalengo; Meda; Mediglia; Melegnano; Apple orchards; Melzo; Merlin; Mesero; Mezzago; Milan; Misinto; Montanaso Lombardo; Monza; Morimondo; Motta Visconti; Muggiò; Mulazzano; Nerviano; Nosate; Nova Milanese; Novate Milanese; Noviglio; Opera; Orio Litta; Ornago; Ospedaletto Lodigiano; Ossago Lodigiano; Ossona; Ozzero; Paderno Dugnano; Pantigliate; Parabiago; Paullo; But; Peschiera Borromeo; Pessano with Bornago; Pieve Emanuele; Pieve Fissiraga; Pioltello; Pogliano Milanese; Pozzo d'Adda; Pozzuolo Martesana; Pregnana Milanese; Renate; Rescaldina; Rho; Robecchetto with Induno; Robecco sul Naviglio; Rhone; Roncello; Ronco Briantino; Rosé; Rozzano; Salerano sul Lambro; San Colombano al Lambro; San Donato Milanese; San Fiorano; San Giorgio su Legnano; San Giuliano Milanese; San Martino in Strada; San Rocco al Porto; San Vittore Olona; San Zenone al Lambro; Sant'Angelo Lodigiano; Santo Stefano Lodigiano; Santo Stefano Ticino; Secugnago; Sedriano; Segrate; Senago; Seine Lodigiana; Seregno; Sesto San Giovanni; Set it; Settimo Milanese; Seveso; Solaro; Somaglia; Deaf; Sovico; Sulbiate; Tavazzano with Villavesco; Terranova dei Passerini; Trezzano Rosa; Trezzano sul Naviglio; Trezzo sull'Adda; Tribianus; Triuggio; They wear makeup; Turano Lodigiano; Turbigo; Usmate Velate; Valera Fratta; Vanzaghello; Vanzago; Vaprio d'Adda; Varedo; Vedano at Lambro; Vedudo with Colzano; Verano Brianza; Vermezzo; Vermezzo with Zelo; Vernate; Vineyards; Villa Cortese; Villanova del Sillaro; Villasanta; Vimercate; Vimodrone; Vittuone; Vizzolo Predabissi; Zelo Buon Persico; Zelo Surrigone; Zibido San Giacomo

Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce of Milan-Monza-Brianza-Lodi

Primary regulatory basis

DG 26 OF 12.02.2024 of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi - Strategic projects for the promotion of economic development and the organization of business services pursuant to art. 18 paragraph 10 of Law 29 December 1993, n. 580 and subsequent amendments - Tourism Voucher: 2024-2025 edition of the "Bike tourism" and "Sustainability certifications for businesses in the tourism and events sector" tenders.
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

DG 26 OF 12.02.2024 of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi - Strategic projects for the promotion of economic development and the organization of business services pursuant to art. 18 paragraph 10 of Law 29 December 1993, n. 580 and subsequent amendments - Tourism Voucher: 2024-2025 edition of the "Bike tourism" and "Sustainability certifications for businesses in the tourism and events sector" tenders.

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

200000 €

Reference site

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