The call aims to support research, development and valorisation of innovation (RSI) activities, through the provision of contributions to expenditure within the terms set out in the call itself, such as: - the development and/or advancement of significant scientific and technological results in the research areas identified in the 2021 - 2027 Regional Smart Specialization Strategy of the Piedmont Region; - in the case of projects at a more advanced stage, the related validation and incorporation into the production processes/offers of companies in correspondence with a demonstrable competitive advantage and concrete business opportunities at individual or supply chain level. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the Measure is divided into the following two lines of intervention, characterized by different targets and eligible project categories: Line 1 – Support for industrial research and experimental development activities; Line 2 – Support for industrial research and experimental development activities and innovation in an advanced stage configuring a defined plan for the industrial/commercial valorisation of the results. The two lines of intervention are in turn divided into two further types of intervention based on: type of beneficiary admitted, the size of the partnership, the size of the investment, the level of complexity of the challenges/objectives underlying the proposal and the starting and arriving technological maturity.
Who is it aimed at?
The call is aimed at SMEs, large companies and research organizations (only if they collaborate with SMEs), innovative start-ups. Businesses must have at least one closed and approved balance sheet.
What does it predict
The announcement provides for the granting of a non-repayable contribution up to a maximum of 60% of eligible expenses depending on the size of the company.