Notice of assessment and outgoing services Germany 2024 - Molise Chamber of Commerce

January 25, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food







January 29, 2024
February 9, 2024


No additional notes


The Chamber of Commerce of Molise, in collaboration with its SERM Special Company, as part of the project "Preparing SMEs to face international markets: the SEI points" financed by the increase in the annual fee of 20% for the three-year period 2023- 2025, intends to offer Molise companies in the agri-food and wine sectors ("Food" and "Wine") a package of services / activities which provides for the beneficiary companies, in addition to the creation of a Check-up and personalized Export Plan (so-called assessment) where the beneficiary companies are not already equipped with it, the possibility of participating in the initiative abroad (so-called outgoing) called "TASTE ITALIAN EXCELLENCE 2024" dedicated to the discovery of Italian agri-food and wine excellence, which will be held on 8 July 2024 in Munich. The strategic objective is to help Molise exporting companies to strengthen their presence abroad, assisting them in identifying new business opportunities in markets already served or in scouting new markets. To this end, the Molise Chamber of Commerce intends to identify n. 5 companies interested in benefiting from the aforementioned in-person assessment and outgoing services/activities, provided by PROMOS Italia Scrl (National Agency of the Chamber of Commerce system which supports Italian companies in internationalization processes and supports institutions in the development of the local economy and in the valorisation of the territory – 

Who is it aimed at?

Companies with the following requirements are eligible to participate: a) they are Micro, Small or Medium-sized enterprises, as defined in Annex I to EU Regulation no. 651/2014 of the European Commission; b) have registered office or secondary office or local units in the territorial district of the Chamber of Commerce of Molise; c) are registered in the Register of Companies and are active; d) are up to date with the payment of the annual fee Chamber of Commerce due for the three-year period 2020-2021-2022. The regularity of the payment of the annual chamber fee must be verified by contacting in advance the Annual Fee Office of the Molise Chamber of Commerce (tel. 0874/471511, e-mail: Any irregularities must be remedied before joining this initiative; e) they are not in a state of bankruptcy, liquidation (even voluntary), controlled administration, composition with creditors or in any other equivalent situation according to current legislation; f) they have fulfilled the obligations contributory, social security and welfare contributions due by law or provided for by the relevant CCNL; fulfill, as employers, the obligations deriving from the application of the CCNL of the reference sector; g) are in compliance with the regulations on health and safety at work referred to in the Legislative Decree. 9 April 2008, n. 81 and subsequent amendments and additions; h) do not have existing supplies with the Molise Chamber of Commerce pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree 95 of 6 July 2012, converted into Law 7 August 2012, n. 135;i) operate in the agri-food/wine sector;j) have a website/part of the company website already translated and online in English and/or German;k) have international or national prizes/awards/recognitions, received in following a judgment on the individual product by juries and commissions of clear national or international fame for the selection of excellent products. Consortia are not eligible to participate as the outgoing initiative covered by this Notice is reserved for individual companies. Furthermore, consultancy firms, business brokers, sales agents and intermediaries are not permitted.

What does it predict

Planned activities and services: a) ASSESSMENT – Check-up with preparation of a personalized Export Plan referring to the German market. Check-ups with a personalized Export Plan will be carried out only for companies admitted to the "TASTE ITALIAN EXCELLENCE 2024" initiative abroad / outgoing and only if the individual company does not already have an Export Plan for the market German for receiving it as part of other projects of the Molise Chamber of Commerce; b) OUTGOING – Participation in the initiative abroad / outgoing called “TASTE ITALIAN EXCELLENCE 2024”. “TASTE ITALIAN EXCELLENCE 2024” is an event aimed at Italian companies, with 5 PLACES RESERVED FOR MOLISANE COMPANIES, producers of WINE and/or FOOD SPECIALTIES who will have the opportunity to PRESENT AND TASTE THEIR PRODUCTS to selected German operators in the trade sector (IMPORTERS and DISTRIBUTORS), CATERING, PRESS and to private Food&Wine lovers (who will have the possibility of accessing by invitation at the end of the day of the event). Due to logistical-organizational impediments, frozen and fresh products will NOT be admitted (fresh cheeses, fresh pasta or fresh perishable meats, etc.). The event will take place on 8 July 2024 in Munich, in a prestigious location where a large area equipped for tasting Italian products will be set up. Each manufacturing company will have an EQUIPPED STATION suitable for displaying and tasting its products in order to hold meetings with the German operators participating in the event. The following professional categories will be invited to the event: HOME SECTOR OPERATORS. KING. CA. (distributors, importers, restaurateurs, wine shop owners, catering companies and sommeliers), INDUSTRY PRESS, PRIVATE FOOD & WINE LOVERS (by invitation). German operators will be able to freely move between the different stations for tastings and business meetings with Italian producers. During the event there will also be MASTERCLASSES WITH TASTING AND INSIGHTS OF THE PRODUCTS ON DISPLAY by German journalists who are experts in the sector or sommeliers who will deal with thematic focuses in relation to the types of products present. The event will be inaugurated with a PRESS CONFERENCE supported by a SHOWCOOKING with presentation and tasting of Italian products. Applications to participate (using the Forms provided for in the Notice under penalty of exclusion) starting from 10:00 am on 01/29/2024 and until 11:59 pm on 02/09/2024. Admission will be subject to positive results: a. and the investigation into the existence of the requirements set out in the Notice, b. and the pre-feasibility check (carried out by Promos Italia scrl and its foreign partners) with respect to the opportunities that can be foreseen for each company on the German market. The assessment of the eligibility of companies will take place based on the chronological order of arrival of the Application Forms. The aid relating to the assessment and outgoing services/activities in presence referred to in this Notice are granted under the de minimis regime, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2023/2831 of 13 December 2023 (OJ L of 15.12.2023). The amount of aid in de minimis for the aforementioned assessment and outgoing services/activities in presence is quantified as: a) €854.00 including VAT per company, for Check-up and preparation of the personalized Export Plan referring to the German market ;b) €4,392.00 including VAT per company, for participation in the initiative abroad / outgoing called “TASTE ITALIAN EXCELLENCE 2024”; provided in the form of a service whose cost is supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Molise and from which each company eligible for aid benefits without having to pay the related economic value.

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;





Special territorial scope


Other features

internationalization, export, outgoing

Managing entity

Molise Chamber of Commerce

Primary regulatory basis

Council Resolution: Article 18 paragraph 10 Law 580/1993 - approval of the proposed increase in the amount of the Annual Fee in the three-year period 2023-2025 for project financing
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Council Resolution: Article 18 paragraph 10 Law 580/1993 - approval of the proposed increase in the amount of the Annual Fee in the three-year period 2023-2025 for project financing

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

26230 €

Reference site

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