Announcement for Aware Recovery 2.0 – Union of Municipalities of Valsaviore

January 16, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund











July 10, 2023
November 30, 2023


No additional notes


The Lombardy Region has made public, in implementation of Dduo 4971 of 12/04/2022, the tender for the "Development of Commercial Districts 2022-2024". Based on the provisions of the aforementioned tender, the Valsaviore Commerce District has communicated to the Lombardy Region its willingness to participate, ensuring the preparation and publication of a tender in support of private companies located in the district territory. This measure is aimed at: – Promoting and consolidating the recovery of local economies in the Lombardy Commercial Districts, supporting both the direct investments of economic operators and the qualification interventions of the urban context and the territory carried out by local authorities; – Particularly reward project excellence, i.e. the most innovative and structured Districts, capable of developing an overall territorial development strategy over the years and of implementing a coherent and detailed plan of interventions. The economic resources allocated to private entities, after the completion of the tender referred to in the Resolution of the Council of the Union of Municipalities of Valsaviore n. 32 of 06.23.2023, amount to a total of €200,000.00.

Who is it aimed at?

The participation of companies that satisfy the following requirements is permitted: – being MSMEs pursuant to Annex 1 of EU Regulation no. 651/2014; – be registered in the Company Register and be active; – have a local unit, or undertake to open, within the deadline for the conclusion of the tender, a local unit, which is located within the territorial scope of the Commercial District and which: either has a shop window on the street or is located on the ground floor of buildings or inside courtyards; or has premises directly accessible to the public, where the following activities are carried out: – retail sale of goods and/or services; Do not fall within the exclusion field referred to in the art. 1 of EU Reg. n. 1407/2013 “De minimis”; – Not have any of the subjects referred to in the art. 85 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2011 n. 159 (so-called Code of anti-mafia laws) for which there are causes of prohibition, forfeiture, suspension pursuant to art. 67 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree. In the final disbursement phase of the contribution, the beneficiary companies must be in compliance with their contribution obligations, as certified by the Single Document of Contribution Regularity (DURC). In the event of an ascertained irregularity during the disbursement phase, the amount corresponding to the non-compliance must be withheld and paid to social security and insurance bodies, pursuant to Law 98/2013, art. 31 paragraphs 3 and 8-bis.- administration of food and drinks; – provision of personal services;

What does it predict

Non-repayable contribution equal to 50% of the expense, up to a maximum amount of €10,000.00. The amount of the contribution cannot in any case be higher than the amount of the expenses allowed in the capital account.

Objective – Purpose

Investment support, Liquidity support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Professional training, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Raw materials, consumables and goods, Services, patents and licenses, General expenses/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type
Company, Company to be established - Other


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector



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Berzo Demo; Cedegolo; Cevo; Saviore dell'Adamello; Sellero

Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

Union of Municipalities of Valsaviore

Primary regulatory basis

Approval of the application criteria for the 'Development of Commercial Districts 2022-2024' measure
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Approval of the application criteria for the 'Development of Commercial Districts 2022-2024' measure

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

200000 €

Reference site amministrazione_trasparente_v3_0/

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