Announcement promoted by the Cuneo Chamber of Commerce for the payment of contributions to encourage the establishment, consolidation and valorisation of business networks (pursuant to Legislative Decree 5/2009 converted with amendments into Law 33/2009) in order to increase capacity innovation and the competitiveness of businesses.
Who is it aimed at?
The intervention is aimed at groupings of companies, with a leader and a majority of participating companies having their registered office and/or operational unit in the province of Cuneo, constituted in the form of a business network (contract network or subject network).
What does it predict
The announcement provides for the disbursement of contributions with a maximum amount of €5,000 per business network. A reward of 500 euros per company is recognized in the case of networks with at least two companies participating in the network contract located in the highlands (above 800 meters above sea level). The contribution is equal to 50% of eligible expenses net of VAT. The total expenses incurred net of VAT must not be less than €2,000 and must be paid on the date of sending the reporting request. The expenses must be incurred in the period between the concession date and 04/30/2024