The public tender is aimed at the selection and subsequent financing of intervention proposals, presented by private terminal operators and/or concessionaires, operating within the port areas, with the objective of reducing CO2 emissions and other pollutants caused from the internal combustion engines of the vehicles they own, limited to the operations carried out on the docking docks, to be financed within the scope of Mission 3 "Infrastructures for sustainable mobility", Component 2 "Interventions and integrated logistics", Investment 1.1 "Green Ports: interventions of renewable energy and energy efficiency in ports".
Who is it aimed at?
The announcement is aimed at private terminal operators and/or individual holders of a concession or other equivalent title who operate within the port areas under the jurisdiction of the Ad SP of the central-northern Adriatic Sea.
What does it predict
The notice provides for the granting of a relief up to a maximum amount of aid granted on a "de minimis" basis to a single beneficiary company in an amount not exceeding 300,000.00 euros.