Small business announcement for the territory - Emilia Chamber of Commerce

October 9, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Emilia Romagna


Catering, Commerce, Crafts, Other services


5000 €





June 13, 2024
September 5, 2024


Admission to the contribution will take place until the available funds are exhausted, subject to eligibility verification in accordance with the provisions of the Notice. The order of precedence in the ranking will take place according to the chronological order of receipt of the electronic application certified by the date and protocol number assigned by the WebTelemaco system. The call for tenders may close early in the event of exhaustion of available resources


Small Businesses for the Territory Notice (Project Code BT24). The initiative intends to promote the competitiveness of micro and small businesses operating in the sectors of administration, retail trade and services in the clothing sectors and more generally aimed at personal care and artistic and traditional craftsmanship, in order to support the increase in the tourist and commercial attractiveness of the area through the qualification of the offer and the innovation of the target companies and their level of service. 

Who is it aimed at?

Micro-enterprises and small enterprises with registered office and/or local operational unit registered and active in the Business Register of the territorial district of the Emilia Chamber of Commerce (provinces of Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia) which: a) operate a retail commercial activity that falls within the following ATECO codes (reference is made to the ATECO code of the primary or prevalent activity indicated in the Chamber of Commerce certificate):¿ 47.71 (retail trade of clothing items in specialized businesses) and related sub-classifications;¿ 47.72 ( retail trade of footwear and leather goods) and related sub-classifications; art, worship and decoration, trinkets and costume jewellery) and related subclassifications.b) carry out an activity of supplying food and/or drinks which falls within one of the following ATECO codes (reference is made to the ATECO code of the primary or main activity indicated in Chamber of Commerce certificate - with the exception of agritourism businesses and artisanal ice cream and pastry shops for which the ATECO code may refer to the secondary activity):¿ 56.10.1 “Catering with administration; catering connected to agricultural and fishing businesses" and related subclassifications;¿ 56.10.2 "Catering without catering with preparation of take-away foods";¿ 56.10.3 "Ice cream parlors and pastry shops";¿ 56.3 "Bars and other similar establishments without kitchens";c) carry out artisanal personal service business activities, which fall within the following ATECO code (reference is made to the ATECO code of the primary or main activity indicated in the Chamber of Commerce certificate):¿ 96.02 "Hairdressing services and other beauty treatments" and related sub-classifications; d) possess the qualification of "artisan company carrying out artistic and traditional work" as defined by the Decree of the President of the Republic no. 288/2001 (“Regulation concerning the identification of the sectors of artistic and traditional manufacturing, as well as custom-made clothing”) and pursuant to art. 7 paragraph 3 letter c) of Regional Law n. 1 of 9 February 2010. 

What does it predict

The non-refundable contributions are equal to 40% of the expenses incurred, documented and eligible, up to a maximum amount of €7,000.00. beyond the bonus of 250.00 euros to companies in possession of a legality rating. Interventions aimed at raising the level of hospitality, visibility and attractiveness of the company can be financed through: - the qualitative improvement of structures and services, also with the introduction of process and product innovations; - the aesthetic and functional redevelopment of the premises/sales point/laboratory; - the digital qualification of the company; - the valorisation of artistic and traditional processes. The financeable interventions may therefore be attributable to: a) modernization, expansion, renovation of the premises/sales points/laboratories, including signs; b) purchase of new equipment and/or new furnishings functional to the redevelopment of the business activity; ) creation and setting up of spaces dedicated to valorising products, services and traditional artistic processes, also through the creation and screening of films and other multimedia productions; d) interventions aimed at valorising and promoting artisanal and local production traditions in gender; e) technological innovation to expand the reference market, including through e-commerce, the introduction of web marketing tools, the creation and/or implementation of websites, the development of front end and customer experience; f) implementation of communication and promotion projects; development of the corporate image and communication also through the creation or membership of brands, participation in fairs/markets or staging of exhibitions (the expenses may refer only to the cost of purchasing the spaces and setting up the stands; they are excluding travel, food, accommodation and hostess expenses); g) installation of anti-theft and anti-robbery systems (including control units, volumetric sensors, perimeter protection devices and video surveillance cameras) for the security of the premises. 

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

5000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

17750 €

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses, Buildings and land, Plant/Machinery/Equipment

Minimum concession that can be granted

2.000 €

Maximum grantable benefit

7250 €
Subject type


Microenterprise, Small Business

Activity sector

Catering, Commerce, Crafts, Other services


47.72; 47.71; 56.10; 47.78; 56.30; 47.75; 96.02


Emilia Romagna


Agazzano; Albareto; Albinea; Alseno; Upper Tidone Valley; Bagnolo in Piano; Bards; Bedonia; Baiso; Besenzone; Bettola; Berceto; Bobbio; Bore; Bibbiano; Borgonovo Val Tidone; Borgo Val di Taro; Boretto; Busseto; Brescello; Cadelbosco di Sopra; Cadeo; Calendasco; Calestano; Walk; Campagnola Emilia; Campegine; Caorso; Carpaneto Piacentino; Canossa; Carpineti; Casalgrande; Casina; Castell'Arquato; Castellarano; Castelnovo di Sotto; Castel San Giovanni; Castelvetro Piacentino; Castelnovo ne' Monti; Cerignale; coli; Cavriago; Collecchio; Colorno; Compiano; Corte Brugnatella; Corniglio; Correggio; Cortemaggiore; Farini; Factory; Ironworks; Feline; Fidenza; Fiorenzuola d'Arda; Fontanellato; Fontevivo; Gazzola; Fornovo di Taro; Gattatico; Gossolengo; Gragnano Trebbiense; Gropparello; Langhirano; Gualtieri; Guastalla; Lugagnano Val d'Arda; Lesignano de' Bagni; Luzzara; Medesano; Mezzani; Monchio delle Corti; Monticelli d'Ongina; Montechiarugolo; Montecchio Emilia; Morfasso; Nibbiano; Neviano degli Arduini; Brass; Walnut grove; Novellara; Pecorara; Palanzano; Parma; Piacenza; Pianello Val Tidone; Pilgrim Parma; Piozzano; Podenzano; Polesine Zibello; Oil Bridge; Pontenure; Poviglio; Quattro Castella; Reggiolo; Reggio nell'Emilia; Rivergaro; Roccabianca; Rio Saliceto; Brake breaker; Rolo; Rubiera; San Giorgio Piacentino; Baganza Hall; Salsomaggiore Terme; San Pietro in Cerro; San Martino in Rio; San Polo d'Enza; Sarmatian; San Secondo Parmense; Sant'Ilario d'Enza; Solignano; Sissa Trecasali; Scandiano; Soragna; Sorbol; Sorbolo Mezzani; Terence; Tizzano Val Parma; Toano; Tornolo; Torrile; Traversetol; Travo; Valmozzola; Varano de' Melegari; Vernasca; Varsi; Ventasso; Vetto; Vezzano sul Crostolo; Viano; Vigolzone; Villanova sull'Arda; Villa Minozzo; Zerba; Ziano Piacentino

Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Emilia

Primary regulatory basis

Announcement for the granting of contributions to businesses for the promotion of the tourist and commercial attractiveness of the area (Small business announcement for the area) - year 2024
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Announcement for the granting of contributions to businesses for the promotion of the tourist and commercial attractiveness of the area (Small business announcement for the area) - year 2024

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

1100000 €

Reference site tourism-and-commercial-in-the-territory-call-for-small-businesses-for-the-bt-territory

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