This public announcement is issued for the granting of appropriate funding for research activities in line with the theme "Medicinal chemistry technologies for the development of innovative antivirals" and which must be in line with the objectives of the Research and Innovation Program entitled “One Health Basic and Translational Research Actions addressing Unmet Needs on Emerging Infectious Diseases” identification code PE00000007 financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU on PNRR MUR funds – M4C2 – Investment 1.3 Notice nr 341 of 15/03/2022. This call is activated under the responsibility of Spoke 5, or the National Research Council, in compliance with the provisions on state aid, competitions and public contracts, as well as other applicable community and national regulations. In particular, this announcement provides for the selection of n. 1 project proposals for the granting of funding to entities external to the INF-ACT Partnership for Fundamental and Applied Research activities, consistent with the aforementioned Programme, specifically for the recruitment of fixed-term researchers and technologists, for the purchase of supplies , goods and services necessary for its implementation, within the limits of the provisions of the following Art. 10 (eligible expenses). The recruitment of personnel other than those intended for research is not permitted. The activities are to be considered 100% attributable to the field of intervention 006 - Investments in intangible assets in public research centers and in public higher education directly connected to research and innovation activities. This announcement concerns public investments financed with PNRR resources and therefore makes explicit reference to the principles for environmental sustainability, for the feasibility of the intervention in compliance with the horizontal principle of "Do No Significant Harm" (DNSH) as well as the transversal principles , including the principle of contribution to the climate, digital and territorial objective (so-called tagging), the principle of gender equality and the obligation to protect and enhance young people, as well as the employment inclusion of people with disabilities pursuant to Regulations (EU) 2020/852 and 241/2021.
Who is it aimed at?
The Participating Subjects admitted to submit an application in response to this notice within a Participating Group are public or private subjects, including companies, which carry out activities consistent with the Research Program referred to in the art. 2 of this notice. Private entities can receive financing in compliance with and within the limits of the legislation on state aid, governed by Regulation 651/2014 and subsequent amendments. which identifies certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). For activities related to fundamental research falling within the field of intervention of this project, 100% financing of the activity is also permitted for private entities. These entities, on the basis of current national legislation, must guarantee suitable management procedures in analogy with the verification and control mechanisms of public entities, to protect the financial interests of the Union, in particular in terms of prevention, identification and rectification of fraud, cases of corruption, conflicts of interest and absence of double financing.
What does it predict
The total cost of the project, including any co-financing, must be between a minimum of 1,600,000.00 euros (one million six hundred thousand euros) and a maximum of 2,600,000.00 euros (two million six hundred thousand euros). The amount of the subsidy that can be granted, compared to the value of the project in the following notice, is between a minimum of 1,200,000.00 euros (one million two hundred thousand euros) and a maximum of 2,000,000.00 euros (two million euros) , according to the indications contained in the art. 5 of the MUR Directorial Decree n. 341 of 03/15/2022. If the amount of the concessions that can be granted is higher than the available financial allocation, the Implementing Party will, during the negotiation phase, re-determine the amounts within the aforementioned maximum limits. Each Participating Subject can decide to co-finance the project with its own funds or with sponsorship or in-kind based on its own needs, properly argued in the project proposal and supported by a letter of intent (Annex 11). The presence of any co-financing to support the total cost of the project will be subject to specific evaluation.