Announcement for the development of religious, sports and conference tourism – II Edition



Contribution/Repayable fund




Agri-food, Fashion and Textiles, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Electronics, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Construction, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Commerce, Transport services, Hotel, Catering , Tourism, Culture, Health, Other services







February 8, 2023
October 31, 2023


No additional notes
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An incentive, promoted by the Cosenza Chamber of Commerce, aimed at increasing tourist influx and the competitiveness of the local tourist and cultural system by encouraging the planning of initiatives on three different types of tourism, namely conference, religious and sports tourism.

Who is it aimed at?

The announcement is aimed at professional associations supervised by the Ministry of Justice or at associations which, despite having provincial or regional jurisdiction, are subordinate to associations operating at a national level. The initiatives can be presented individually, or in associated form, among themselves or with other operators in the sector (tour operators, hotels, restaurants, companies in the sector), and must concern the organization of one or more events that will take place in 2023 /2024 in the province of Cosenza.

What does it predict

A direct contribution to the organization of one or more events of a congressional nature (congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops, competitions), religious events (events of any nature on the occasion of particular holidays or religious anniversaries at attractions such as the Sanctuary of San Francesco di Paola) or sports (which has as its focus an amateur or professional competition of any nature) and which will be carried out by February 2024 in the province of Cosenza, with the following requirements: 1. the proposing subjects must be one or more professional associations or associations which, by statute, operate at a national level. In the event that these Orders or Associations are organized on the national territory with provincial organizations or regional unions, the proponents may be the latter operating in the provincial territory of Cosenza or in the Calabria region in the case of the absence of a provincial territorial level. 2. the duration of the event must be such as to induce the participants to spend at least one overnight stay in the accommodation facilities in the province of Cosenza; 3. at least 50 participants, appropriately registered 4. include a press conference to present the event at the Cosenza Chamber of Commerce (not necessary only if at least one day of the event itself takes place at the Chamber of Commerce) ; 5. provide adequate visibility of the Chamber logo on the communication tools used to promote the initiative. The contribution is equal to 50% of the expected expenditure and is calculated on the basis of the amounts net of VAT of the expenditure estimates. Projects that involve eligible expenses of less than €6,000 cannot be financed. The maximum contribution limit is 10,000 (ten thousand) euros.

Objective – Purpose

Investment support, Start up/Business development

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Allowed Costs

Overheads/other charges
Subject type
Company, Association of professionals


Not classifiable/classified, Small Business, Medium Business, Large Business

Activity sector

Agri-food, Fashion and Textiles, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Electronics, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Construction, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Commerce, Transport services, Hotel, Catering , Tourism, Culture, Health, Other services


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid




Acquaformosa, Acquappesa, Acri, Aiello Calabro, Aieta, Albidona, Alessandria Del Carretto, Altilia, Altomonte, Amantea, Amendolara, Aprigliano, Belmonte Calabro, Belsito, Belvedere Marittimo, Bianchi, Bisignano, Bocchigliero, Bonifati, Buonvicino, Calopezzati, Caloveto, Campana , Canna, Cariati, Carolei, Carpanzano, Casali del Manco, Cassano Allo Ionio, Castiglione Cosentino, Castrolibero, Castroregio, Castrovillari, Celico, Cellara, Cerchiara Di Calabria, Cerisano, Cervicati, Cerzetoc, Cetraro, Civita, Cleto, Colosimi, Corigliano- Rossano, Cosenza, Cropalati, Crosia, Diamante, Dipignano, Domanico, Fagnano Castello, Falconara Albanese, Figline Vegliaturo, Firmo, Fiumefreddo Bruzio, Francavilla Marittima, Frascineto, Fuscaldo, Grimaldi, Grisolia, Guardia Piemontese, Lago, Laino Borgo, Laino Castello, Lappano, Lattarico, Lombards, Longobucco, Lungro, Luzzi, Maierà, Malito, Malvito, Mandatoriccio, Mangone, Marano Marchesato, Marano Principato, Marzi, Mendicino, Mongrassano, Montalto Uffugo, Montegiordano, Morano Calabro, Mormanno, Mottafollone, Nocara, Oriolo, Orsomarso, Paludi, Panettieri, Paola, Papasidero, Parenti, Paterno Calabro, Pedivigliano, Piane Crati, Pietrafitta, Pietrapaola, Plataci, Praia A Mare, Rende, Rocca Imperiale, Roggiano Gravina, Rogliano, Rose, Roseto Capo Spulico, Rota Greca, Rovito , San Basile, San Benedetto Ullano, San Cosmo Albanese, San Demetrio Corone, San Donato di Ninea, San Fili, San Giorgio Albanese, San Giovanni In Fiore, San Lorenzo Bellizzi, San Lorenzo del Vallo, San Lucido, San Marco Argentano, San Martino Di Finita, San Nicola Arcella, San Pietro In Amantea, San Pietro In Guarano, San Sosti, San Vincenzo La Costa, Sangineto, Sant'Agata Di Esaro, Santa Caterina Albanese, Santa Domenica Talao, Santa Maria Del Cedro, Santa Sofia D 'Epiro, Santo Stefano Di Rogliano, Saracena, Scala Coeli, Scalea, Scigliano, Serra D'Aiello, Spezzano Albanese, Spezzano Della Sila, Tarsia, Terranova da Sibari, Terravecchia, Torano Castello, Tortora, Trebisacce, Vaccarizzo Albanese, Verbicaro, Villapiana , Zumpano.

Special territorial scope

Not applicable

Other features

conferences, sporting events, religious events, Cosenza

Managing entity

Chamber of Commerce of Cosenza

Primary regulatory basis

Chamber Council Resolution n.8 of 01/30/2023

References Official Journal

Managerial Resolution n. 36 of 01/31/2023

Incentive allocation

50000 €

Reference site

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