Announcement for the granting of concessions in favor of MSMEs to support tourism - year 2024. With this action the Chieti Pescara Chamber of Commerce intends to enhance the quality of the tourism supply chain, encouraging the implementation of interventions to support the competitiveness of local businesses.
Who is it aimed at?
MSMEs, as defined in accordance with Annex I to EU Regulation no., are eligible for contributions under this announcement. 651/2014, with registered office and/or local unit in the provinces of Chieti or Pescara, which carry out an activity whose ATECO coding is as indicated below:- 55 Accommodation;- 56 Catering services activities;- 77.21 Rental of sports and recreational equipment;- 77.34 Rental of means of maritime and river transport;- 79 Activities of travel agency services, tour operators and reservation services and related activities;- 90.04 Management of artistic structures;- 91.02 Activities of museums;- 91.03 Management of historical places and monuments and similar attractions;- 91.04 Activities of botanical gardens, zoos and nature reserves;- 93.29.20 Management of bathing establishments: maritime, lake and river;- 96.04.2 Spa establishments.
What does it predict
The contribution consists of a non-repayable contribution paid in a single solution and aimed at the implementation of tourism promotion projects attributable to the following typologies: MEASURE A - Certification paths for the company that has or intends to acquire peculiar characteristics and compliance with quality requirements and safety, and interventions for environmental sustainability and accessibility, detailed in the following article 5. MEASURE B – Actions to encourage tourism, undertourism, cultural, sports, conference and food and wine tourism, detailed in the following article 5. The maximum amount of the contribution, which in any case cannot exceed 50% of the eligible expenses (excluding VAT), is €5,000.00. Projects for which the eligible expenses are below 3,000.00 euros will not be taken into consideration.