A contribution aimed at promoting and consolidating the recovery of local economies in the Lombardy Trade Districts by also supporting the direct investments of economic operators and aspiring entrepreneurs in the Municipalities of the "Insieme sul Serio" Widespread Trade District.
Who is it aimed at?
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in the retail sale of goods and/or services, supply of food and drinks, provision of personal services and commerce in public areas, located within the Widespread Commerce District, can be beneficiaries of the contribution. Insieme sul Serio”, whose perimeter coincides with the entire territory of the municipalities of Alzano Lombardo, Albino, Nembro, Pradalunga and Ranica.
What does it predict
The expected contribution, for accepted applications, is equal to 50% of the total eligible expenditure (in capital and current account) net of VAT (except as indicated in the following Art. 8), and in any case it cannot be higher than the amount of capital expenditure, up to an overall maximum for each operator of 3,000 euros. The minimum eligible investment is 1,000.00 euros.