The THE – Tuscany Health Ecosystem provides for the implementation of cascade calls aimed at granting funding for research activities to subjects external to the Ecosystem. The call in question involves the selection of project proposals for research activities carried out by companies with the aim of financing at least one project for each sub-topic of each topic.
Who is it aimed at?
The following can request the benefits referred to in this announcement: - Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), external to the THE Ecosystem, which compete in single or collaborative mode with other enterprises, having the dimensional parameters referred to in Annex I of the REG (EC) n. 800/2008 of the Commission of 6 August 2008 (General Block Exemption Regulation) in OJEU L 214 of 9.8.2008 - Large Enterprises (GI), external to the THE Ecosystem, exclusively in collaborative mode provided that it persists throughout the duration of the project the requirement of collaboration with at least one MSME. They can support a maximum of 70% of the total eligible project cost.
What does it predict
The benefit will be in the form of a contribution and will be calculated on the basis of the size of the company.