Incentives to promote and develop in MSMEs the use of services or solutions focused on new digital skills and technologies in implementation of the National Business Plan 4.0 (art. 1 of the Notice).
Who is it aimed at?
Micro-enterprises or small or medium-sized enterprises as defined by Annex 1 of EU Regulation no. 651/20142 with registered office and/or local units in the territorial district of the IAA Chamber of Commerce of Trento.
What does it predict
Consulting and/or training services relating to one or more technologies falling within the technological fields of digital innovation Enterprise 4.0, as well as the purchase of goods and services instrumental to the acquisition of enabling technologies (articles 2 and 7 of the Notice); Up to 70% of eligible and reported expenses for a maximum amount of Euro 10,000 against a minimum expense of Euro 5,000.00. Consulting and training expenses must represent at least 50% of eligible expenses. The aid is granted under the "de minimis" regime until the available resources are exhausted, equal to Euro 300,000.00 (articles 3, 7 and 8 of the Notice).