Announcement for the granting of contributions for digital video surveillance systems – Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro Crotone and Vibo Valentia

January 26, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport Services, Tourism







February 13, 2024
March 11, 2024


Opening on 02/13/2024, 4.00 pm.


The Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, Crotone Vibo Valentia intends to promote and support the implementation of investments in digital video surveillance systems, through the provision of non-repayable contributions to partially cover the expenses incurred for the installation of: cameras, circuit video surveillance systems closed, anti-robbery video alarm systems. These systems must consist of at least two cameras, at least one of which is installed outside, and implemented with protocols such as ONVFI S, T, G or M or other similar ones.

Who is it aimed at?

1. Companies which, at the date of submission of the application and until the granting of the aid, meet the following requirements are eligible for the contribution referred to in this Notice: a) they are Micro, Small or Medium-sized enterprises as defined in Annex 1 of the regulation UEn. 651/20141;b) have registered office or local unit in the territorial district of the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro Crotone Vibo Valentiac) are active and in good standing with the registration in the Company Register;d) are in good standing with the payment of the annual fee , subject to regularization pursuant to the provisions of art. 18 of the "Regulation for the regulation of procedures for applying administrative tax sanctions applicable in cases of violations relating to the annual right" approved with DC n. 25 of 19/12/2023; e) are not in a state of bankruptcy, liquidation (even voluntary), controlled administration, composition with creditors or in any other equivalent situation according to current legislation; f) have legal representatives, administrators (with or without powers of representation) and members for whom there are no causes of prohibition, forfeiture or suspension provided for by the art. 67 of Legislative Decree. 6 September 2011, n.159 (Code of anti-mafia laws and prevention measures, as well as new provisions regarding anti-mafia documentation). The subjects subjected to the anti-mafia check are those indicated in the art. 85 of the Legislative Decree. 6 September 2011, n.159; g) have fulfilled their contribution obligations and are in compliance with the regulations on health and safety at work referred to in the Legislative Decree. 9 April 2008, n. 81 and subsequent amendments and additions, subject to regularization; h) do not have supplies of services in progress with the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro Crotone Vibo Valentia pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree 95 of 6 July 2012, converted into Law 7 August 2012, n. 13522.2. The requirements referred to in paragraph 1, letters b) to g), must be met from the moment the application is submitted until the moment the contribution is paid. In cases where regularization is required, the company is required to regularize it, under penalty of exclusion, no later than 10 days from the Chamber of Commerce communication.

What does it predict

1. The total resources allocated amount to €50,000.00 (fifty thousand/00) based on chapter 4 "Territorial competitiveness" letter f) "Video surveillance tender" referred to in the 2024 budget approved with DC no. 23 of 12/19/2023.2. The expenses defined in article 1 of this announcement are allowed. The investment must be a minimum of 1,000.00 euros. The contribution is equal to 50% of the expenditure, up to a maximum of €1,500.00 and will be registered in the National Register of State Aid.3. The aid granted cannot be cumulated with other facilitation interventions obtained for the same initiatives and involving the same expenses.4. Companies in possession of a valid legality rating3 at the time of application and until the voucher is issued will be granted a bonus of €1,000.00 which can be granted within the limit of the available allocation.5. The contribution will be paid with the application of the 4% withholding tax pursuant to art. 28, paragraph 2, of the Presidential Decree of 29 September 1973, n. 600.6. No more than 1 (one) contribution may be granted to the same company.

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs


Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport Services, Tourism


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;




Aquarius; Albi; Amarones; Beloved; Andali; Arena; Argusto; Badolato; Belcastro; Spinello Belvedere; Borgia; Botricello; Briatico; Brognaturo; Caccuri; Capistrano; Carafe from Catanzaro; Cardinal; Carfizzi; Carlopoli; Casabona; Castelsilano; Catanzaro; Cenadi; Centralche; Cerenzia; Doe; Cessaniti; Central Chiaravalle; Cicada; Cirò; Cirò Marina; Conflenti; Cortal; Cotronei; Cropani; Crotone; Crucoli; Curinga; Cutro; Dasa; Davoli; Take-off; Dynami; Drapia; Fabrizia; Falerna; Ancient Feroleto; Philadelphia; Spinners; Filogaso; Serralta moat; Francavilla Angitola; Francica; Gagliato; Gasperine; Gerocarne; Gimigliano; Gyrifalco; Gizzeria; Guardavalle; Ionadi; Isca on the Ionian Sea; Capo Rizzuto Island; Jacurso; Joppolo; Lamezia Terme; Limbadi; Magisano; Maida; Maierato; Marcedusa; Marcellinara; Martirano; Martirano Lombardo; Melissa; Mesoraca; Migliarina; Miletus; Mongiana; Montauro; Montepaone; Monterosso Calabro; Motta Santa Lucia; Nardodipace; Nicotera; Nocera Terinese; Olivadi; Palermo; Pallagorio; Parghelia; Penton; Petilia Policastro; Petrizzi; Petrona; Pianopoli; Protection payment; Pizzoni; Platania; Polia; Fall back; Neto Fortress; Roccabernarda; Rombiolo; San Calogero; San Costantino Calabro; San Floro; Saint Gregory of Hippo; St. Mango Aquinas; San Mauro Marchesato; Saint Nicholas of Crissa; Saint Nicholas of the High; Saint Peter the Apostle; San Pietro a Maida; Saint Sosthenes; San Vito sull'Ionio; Saint Andrew the Apostle of the Ionian; Sant'Onofrio; Saint Catherine of the Ionian; Santa Severina; Satriano; Savelli; Scandal; Sellia; Sellia Marina; Serra San Bruno; Serrastretta; Sersale; Settingian; Simbarium; Simeri Crichi; Sorbo San Basile; Sorianello; Soriano Calabro; Soverato; Soveria Mannelli; Soveria Simeri; Sword; Spilinga; Squillace; Staletti; Stefanaconi; Strongoli; Tavern; Tiriol; Ruggiero Tower; Tropea; Umbrian; Vallefiorita; Vallelonga; Vazzano; Verzino; Vibo Valentia; Zaccanopoli; Zagarise; Zambrone; Zungri

Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

Chamber of Commerce CZKRVV. Announcement for the granting of contributions for digital video surveillance systems
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Chamber of Commerce CZKRVV. Announcement for the granting of contributions for digital video surveillance systems

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

50000 €

Reference site

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