The announcement provides for the granting of contributions for the start-up of new commercial, artisanal and agricultural economic activities through a unit located in the municipal territory from the Marginal Municipal Fund for the year 2021.
Who is it aimed at?
The announcement is aimed at: - "new economic activities" that undertake commercial, artisanal or agricultural activities through an operational unit located in the territory of the Municipality of Gonnosfanadiga. By "new economic activities" we mean: a) Activities established after the publication of this notice; b) Companies duly established and registered in the business register at the time of submission of the application provided that they undertake a new economic activity after the publication of the I notify. By "new economic activity" we also mean the activation of new and additional ATECO codes. Existing businesses that start a new economic activity in the municipal area through a new and specific production unit can also benefit from the resources
What does it predict
The announcement provides for the granting of a contribution to open newly established commercial, artisanal or agricultural activities in the Municipality of Gonnosfanadiga to be kept in operation for a period of at least five years, for the assignment of the "support fund for marginal municipalities" for the 2021 year. .