Announcement for the granting of contributions to companies for the promotion of internationalization 2024 – BI24 – CCIAA Emilia

October 9, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Emilia Romagna


Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Tourism, Transport services, Catering, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Mechanics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, Construction, Health, Fashion and Textiles, Metallurgy, ICT, Electronics, Culture, Commerce, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Vehicles and other means of transport, Crafts, Other services, Hotel, Agri-food


3000 €





April 23, 2024
July 9, 2024


Admission to the contribution will take place until the available funds are exhausted, subject to eligibility verification in accordance with the provisions of this Notice. The order of precedence in the ranking will take place according to the chronological order of receipt of the electronic application certified by the date and protocol number assigned by the WebTelemaco system. The tender may close early in the event of exhaustion of available resources.
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The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Emilia intends to promote the growth of the level of internationalization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the area through the provision of non-repayable contributions aimed at supporting the development of commercial channels abroad and the growth of skills for managing internationalization processes. 

Who is it aimed at?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (as defined in Annex I to Regulation no. 651/2014 of the European Commission) with registered office and/or local operational unit (excluding warehouse and storage) registered and active in the Company Register of Companies can benefit from the benefits. territorial district of the Emilia Chamber of Commerce. 

What does it predict

Non-repayable contributions for the following interventions:A. participation, as exhibitors, in trade fairs organized both abroad and in Italy, the period of which falls between 01/01/2024 and 31/12/2024. Fairs organized in Italy must have the qualification of certified international fair and be included in the official calendar approved by the Conference of Presidents of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, according to the actual dates of their holding, as updated by the organizing bodies. Each company can apply for only one trade fair during the year. For each company, participation in only one trade fair organized in the above period is permitted. B. creation of support and training courses through the use of specific professional figures: Temporary Export Manager (TEM), Digital Export Manager (DEM) or Expert Manager for Export Import and Internationalization Processes (EXIM Manager). The coaching process must have a minimum duration of 4 months corresponding to at least 25 days and must be aimed at implementing the strategy and increasing the company's managerial capabilities in managing internationalization processes. The EXIM Manager must be certified according to the UNI 11823 standard; the TEM and the DEM will have to demonstrate that they have relevant skills and knowledge with respect to the role they will play in the company both in terms of internationalization and digitalisation, attested by at least two years of business support experience. When submitting the grant application, the CV of the TEM/DEM/EXIM who will support the company must be sent. The non-refundable contribution is equal to 50% of the expenses incurred, documented and eligible, net of VAT, up to a maximum amount determined in relation to the type of intervention, to the extent specified as follows and until the maximum overall amount is reached of €12,000.00. A) Participation in trade fairs abroad €6,000; Participation in trade fairs in Italy €4,000B) Support and training courses €10,000. An additional bonus of €250.00 will be awarded to companies in possession of a valid legality rating at the time the contribution is granted, within the limit of 100% of the eligible expenses and in compliance with the relevant de minimis ceilings. 

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

3000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

24250 €

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses, Overheads/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted

1500 €

Maximum grantable benefit

12250 €
Subject type
Consortium, Company


Microenterprise, Medium Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Tourism, Transport services, Catering, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Mechanics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, Construction, Health, Fashion and Textiles, Metallurgy, ICT, Electronics, Culture, Commerce, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Vehicles and other means of transport, Crafts, Other services, Hotel, Agri-food


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid


Emilia Romagna

Managing entity

Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Emilia

Primary regulatory basis

Announcement for the granting of contributions to companies for the promotion of internationalization (Internationalization Announcement) - year 2024

Implementation measure

Announcement for the granting of contributions to companies for the promotion of internationalization (Internationalization Announcement) - year 2024

Incentive allocation

1700000 €

Reference site of 2019internationalization

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