The “Cuorgnè nel cuore” Trade District was born in 2022 with the aim of enhancing local trade in the territory of the Municipality of Cuorgnè. The strategic lines that it is proposed to implement in the coming years include activating a series of actions and activities aimed at relaunching neighborhood trade and establishing itself as an attractive area for: the citizens of the District, businesses and traders (already active and new), tourists and new targets (temporary citizens). Among the lines of action envisaged, there is also that relating to the support of businesses through the channeling of economic resources aimed at supporting and encouraging investments of a capital nature for: the modernization and improvement of the exterior of commercial activities (shop windows, signs, etc.), the support of new activities or the opening of new local units (purchase of machinery, equipment, appliances), interventions aimed at the digital implementation of individual companies (only capital expenditure).
Who is it aimed at?
This notice is aimed at: companies carrying out direct retail sales of goods with fixed premises, companies carrying out the activity of serving food and drinks to the public and other categories as specified in paragraph 4 of this notice (4. Requirements for entities eligible for the tender) with operational headquarters within the District. Aspiring entrepreneurs who satisfy the requirements specified in the following paragraph 4 "Requirements of subjects eligible for the call" are also eligible.
What does it predict
The following types of capital intervention are eligible for benefits, for which - where required by law or municipal administrative documents - the no impediment/authorization for their implementation is requested or issued by the project completion date:1. interventions aimed at modernizing and improving the exterior of commercial activities (shop windows, signs, facades, awnings, pergolas, dehors, external lighting, etc.);2. interventions aimed at the digital implementation of individual companies (capital expenditure ONLY);3. purchase of machinery, equipment, appliances (ONLY to support new activities or the opening of new local units in addition to the existing operational headquarters, the movement of activities in the District nor the sub-entry into previous activities is not considered a new opening). Furthermore, expenses relating to the internal restructuring/arrangement of company properties are not eligible.