With this announcement, the Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Varese, as part of the regional project "Development of commercial districts 2022-2024", intend to encourage both the restart of economic activities and services for users and the start of new activities, located in the Varese Commercial District area, as a support action for the city's entrepreneurial fabric in order to limit processes of commercial desertification and impoverishment of the city, also taking into account the need to guarantee different and higher standards of safety and protection of workers and consumers and the opportunity to make use of alternative methods of organizing sales (including through innovative and digital tools) which, alongside the traditional physical channel, take into account the changed context in which companies find themselves operating.
Who is it aimed at?
Micro, small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can submit a contribution request, as identified in article 2 of annex 1 of EU Regulation no. 651/2014, which carry out catering activities, supply of food and drinks, direct retail sales of goods and services (trade, service and production craftsmanship only if accompanied by direct sales of the products covered by the activity, tertiary sector) or activities for the provision of personal services located within the territorial scope of the Varese Commerce District.
What does it predict
Business projects may include both capital expenditure and current expenditure. Regional resources for businesses may be used exclusively to cover capital expenditure. The total resources allocated for the initiative amount to €200,000.00 allocated by the Lombardy Region. There are two time windows, each with resources equal to 100,000.00 for the purposes of eligibility of the expenditure. A first time window includes expenses incurred from 03.28.2022 to 09.30.2023 with deadline for submitting the application by 31 July 2023 and a second window for expenses incurred from 01.05.2023 to 30.04.2024 with deadline for submitting the application by on 31 December 2023. There is no prior division between the different types of interventions and eligible expenses identified and indicated in detail in the following points 7 and 8 of this announcement. Any additional resources deriving from savings due to failure to allocate resources or available following reporting are regulated within the tender.