Announcement relating to the support fund for economic, artisanal and commercial activities. The Municipality of Predazzo promotes the granting, in favor of economic activities operating in its territory, as better identified below, of non-repayable contributions to cover management expenses incurred in the first half of 2022. The intervention envisaged by this notice is aimed at supporting the continuity of economic activities present in the municipal territory, having regard to the adverse economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the local economic fabric.
Who is it aimed at?
It is aimed at micro-enterprises or small businesses, as per decree 1 of the Ministry of Economic Development of 18 April 2005. The eligibility conditions are set out in the announcement.
What does it predict
The benefit consists in the provision of a non-repayable contribution for a maximum of €46,093.00, aimed at activating economic support actions exclusively in favor of the economic, artisanal and commercial activities present in the municipal area. By economic, artisanal and commercial activities present in the area we mean activities with an ATECO code compliant with those indicated in the notice.