The call supports industrial research and experimental development projects (“R&D Projects”) carried out in collaboration between companies, professionals and research organisations. The R&D Projects however concern the implementation of applied research objectives and priorities expressed by Regional Innovative Networks (RIR) or Industrial Districts (as defined by Regional Law 30 May 2014, n. 13).
Who is it aimed at?
The companies and professionals belonging to the Regional Innovative Networks or belonging to the Industrial Districts and the Venetian research organizations registered in the Innoveneto regional portal. The application for access to the benefits is in any case presented by the legal entity representing a Regional Innovative Network or an Industrial District.
What does it predict
Financial endowment of a total of 42,187,500.00 euros, divided into: - 31,250,000.00 euros of non-repayable contributions; - 10,937,500.00 euros of subsidized financing, in turn divided into 7,656,250.00 euros of share of public funding and €3,281,250.00 as share of private funding made available by banks and financial intermediaries affiliated with the Manager Veneto Innovazione SpA