Announcement in implementation of the DGR n. 339 of 29 March 2023 to support the expenses for the purchase, or acquisition in the case of financial leasing operations, of tangible and intangible assets, specialist consultancy, personnel and general expenses.
Who is it aimed at?
SMEs and freelancers operating in Veneto are beneficiaries of the tender.
What does it predict
Eligible expenses: Expenses for the purchase, or acquisition in the case of financial leasing operations, of tangible and intangible assets, specialist consultancy, personnel and general expenses. Details on the type of support: Type: “de minimis” regime Non-refundable grant. Intensity70% of eligible expenses under the notice. Maximum grantable support 199,500.00 Euros Duration of the project Maximum deadline 09.30.2024 Payment method Balance payment Possibility of advance and down payment