The intervention is aimed at: - the creation of permanent afforestation with mycorized seedlings on suitable land, with the aim of contributing to the mitigation of climate change through carbon sequestration; - the defense of the territory and soil from biotic and abiotic causes, the prevention of natural risks, water regulation, as well as the conservation and protection of the biodiversity of truffle-growing areas; - the increase in regional surfaces intended for truffle cultivation and the increase in regional truffle production.
Who is it aimed at?
The announcement is aimed at agricultural and forestry companies, in possession of the Company File, owners/possessors of the area affected by the interventions, even in associated form. Loan for use is excluded from the ownership titles.
What does it predict
The following types of intervention are envisaged:A. Afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural surfaces with native mycorized species. Creation of forests of artificial origin comparable in their final conformation to natural forests or tree crops to be used for the production of truffles to be registered, at the end of the intervention, in the regional register. The plants have climatic-environmental, protective, landscape, social and productive purposes. At the end of the cultivation cycle, the land can be used for agricultural use again. B. Safeguarding the biodiversity of natural truffle ecosystems (woods intended for the production of truffles). Creation of protections, fences, improvements for natural wooded areas intended for the production of truffles (natural and controlled truffle farms, recognized and registered in the regional register).