The call aims to incentivize and support companies that activate courses for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO) during the year 2023 by hosting secondary school students. There is a specific reward for experiences aimed at certifying skills according to the scheme of the chamber system for the tourism, mechatronics, textile-clothing-fashion and agricultural sectors.
Who is it aimed at?
The call is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with registered office and/or local units in the provinces of Biella, Novara, Verbano Cusio Ossola and Vercelli. The companies must be active, up to date with the payment of the Annual Chamber Fee and with the contribution obligations and must be registered in the National Register for School-Work Alternation.
What does it predict
The benefit consists of a non-repayable contribution modulated on the basis of the total PCTO hours carried out in the company by the students hosted during the year 2023: For PCTOs not aimed at certifying skills: - €500.00 for company tutoring activities between 120 and 180 hours - €760.00 for corporate tutoring activities between 181 hours and 240 hours - €1,000.00 for corporate tutoring activities exceeding 240 hours For PCTOs aimed at certifying skills: - €620.00 per activity of corporate tutoring between 120 and 180 hours - €950.00 for corporate tutoring activities between 181 hours and 240 hours - €1,250.00 for corporate tutoring activities exceeding 240 hours Bonus of €200.00 for companies in possession of the legality rating (at least basic score of one "star").