Non-repayable contributions to support participation initiatives abroad and the acquisition of services to encourage the start or development of international trade, also through a more widespread use of innovative tools, also using the leverage of digital technologies.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies that carry out one of the activities envisaged by the Notice at the registered office and/or local units in the territorial district of the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce, and up to date with the payment of the annual fee.
What does it predict
Non-repayable contributions for consultancy/assistance services aimed at: A. promotional planning, also with digital methods; B. paths to strengthen the presence abroad, also with digital methods; C. regulatory and contractual support exclusively aimed at facilitating a process of strengthening the presence abroad; D. support for voluntary certifications useful for exports; E. specialist support (development of internal skills through the use of Temporary Export Manager - TEM in the company). Expenses, net of VAT, detailed on the invoice, incurred and fully paid in the period from 1 January 2023 until the moment the application is submitted are considered eligible,