Digital innovation call 2024: granting of contributions to companies for the promotion of digital technological innovation (Prog. Code PI24)

October 9, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Emilia Romagna


Electronics, Vehicles and other means of transport, Metallurgy, Fashion and Textiles, Health, ICT, Culture, Other services, Agri-food, Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Hotel, Crafts, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Construction, Energy supply, Water and management Waste, Mechanics, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Catering, Transport Services, Tourism


5000 €





June 25, 2024
September 10, 2024


Admission to the contribution will take place until the available funds are exhausted, subject to eligibility verification in accordance with the provisions of this Notice. The order of precedence in the ranking will take place according to the chronological order of receipt of the electronic application certified by the date and protocol number assigned by the WebTelemaco system. The call may close early if available resources run out.


The "Digital Innovation Notice 2024" initiative aims to: - develop the capacity for collaboration between MSMEs and between them and highly qualified subjects in the field of use of 4.0 technologies, through the creation of projects aimed at the introduction of business models 4.0;- promote the use, by MSMEs, of services or solutions focused on 4.0 digital skills and technologies, in implementation of the strategy defined by the 4.0 Transition Plan. 

Who is it aimed at?

The call is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with registered office in the provinces of Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia. 

What does it predict

The non-repayable contribution is equal to 50% of the expenses incurred, documented and eligible, net of VAT, up to a maximum amount of €10,000.00 in addition to the premium of €250.00 for companies in possession of the legality rating. The following expenses attributable to the interventions envisaged by the Notice can be financed (net of VAT and other taxes, duties and fees), namely: a) consultancy and/or training services relating to one or more technologies among those envisaged in the art. 5 of the Notice and provided by suppliers who present the characteristics referred to in art. 7 of the Notice. The consultancy must be aimed at concretely introducing the technology into the company. The training cannot exclusively focus on the technical specifications of the capital goods purchased. When reporting, these conditions must be demonstrated; b) purchase of tangible and intangible capital goods including devices and connection costs, functional to the introduction of the enabling technologies referred to in the art. 5 of the Notice. User licenses and fees relating to the period of eligibility of the expenses (01/05/24 -30/04/25) are also considered eligible costs. 

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

5000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

20250 €

Allowed Costs

Professional training, General expenses/other charges, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted

2.500 €

Maximum grantable benefit

10250 €
Subject type


Microenterprise, Medium Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Electronics, Vehicles and other means of transport, Metallurgy, Fashion and Textiles, Health, ICT, Culture, Other services, Agri-food, Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Hotel, Crafts, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Construction, Energy supply, Water and management Waste, Mechanics, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Catering, Transport Services, Tourism


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid


Emilia Romagna


Agazzano; Albareto; Albinea; Alseno; Upper Tidone Valley; Bagnolo in Piano; Bards; Bedonia; Baiso; Besenzone; Bettola; Berceto; Bobbio; Bore; Bibbiano; Borgonovo Val Tidone; Borgo Val di Taro; Boretto; Busseto; Brescello; Cadelbosco di Sopra; Cadeo; Calendasco; Calestano; Walk; Campagnola Emilia; Campegine; Caorso; Carpaneto Piacentino; Canossa; Carpineti; Casalgrande; Casina; Castell'Arquato; Castellarano; Castelnovo di Sotto; Castel San Giovanni; Castelvetro Piacentino; Castelnovo ne' Monti; Cerignale; coli; Cavriago; Collecchio; Colorno; Compiano; Corte Brugnatella; Corniglio; Correggio; Cortemaggiore; Farini; Factory; Ironworks; Feline; Fidenza; Fiorenzuola d'Arda; Fontanellato; Fontevivo; Gazzola; Fornovo di Taro; Gattatico; Gossolengo; Gragnano Trebbiense; Gropparello; Langhirano; Gualtieri; Guastalla; Lugagnano Val d'Arda; Lesignano de' Bagni; Luzzara; Medesano; Mezzani; Monchio delle Corti; Monticelli d'Ongina; Montechiarugolo; Montecchio Emilia; Morfasso; Nibbiano; Neviano degli Arduini; Brass; Walnut grove; Novellara; Pecorara; Palanzano; Parma; Piacenza; Pianello Val Tidone; Pilgrim Parma; Piozzano; Podenzano; Polesine Zibello; Oil Bridge; Pontenure; Poviglio; Quattro Castella; Reggiolo; Reggio nell'Emilia; Rivergaro; Roccabianca; Rio Saliceto; Brake breaker; Rolo; Rubiera; San Giorgio Piacentino; Baganza Hall; Salsomaggiore Terme; San Pietro in Cerro; San Martino in Rio; San Polo d'Enza; Sarmatian; San Secondo Parmense; Sant'Ilario d'Enza; Solignano; Sissa Trecasali; Scandiano; Soragna; Sorbol; Sorbolo Mezzani; Terence; Tizzano Val Parma; Toano; Tornolo; Torrile; Traversetol; Travo; Valmozzola; Varano de' Melegari; Vernasca; Varsi; Ventasso; Vetto; Vezzano sul Crostolo; Viano; Vigolzone; Villanova sull'Arda; Villa Minozzo; Zerba; Ziano Piacentino

Special territorial scope


Other features

The interventions must concern at least one technology among those indicated: a) advanced and collaborative robotics; b) human-machine interface; c) additive manufacturing and 3D printing; d) rapid prototyping; e) internet of things (IoT) and machines; f) cloud, High Performance Computing - HPC, fog and quantum computing;g) cyber security and business continuity solutions (e.g. CEI – cyber exposure index, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing etc);h) big data and analytics;i) artificial intelligence;j) blockchain;k) technological solutions for immersive, interactive and participatory navigation (augmented reality, virtual reality and 3D reconstructions), technologies for the in-store customer experience;l) simulation and cyber-physical systems;m) integration vertical and horizontal;n) digital technological supply chain solutions for the optimization of the supply chain;o) technological solutions for the management and coordination of business processes with high activity integration characteristics (e.g. ERP, MES,PLM, SCM, CRM, including tracking technologies, e.g. RFID, barcode, etc);p) e-commerce systems;q) EDI systems, electronic data interchange. 

Managing entity

Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Emilia

Primary regulatory basis

Notice for the granting of contributions to companies for the promotion of digital innovation (Digital Innovation Notice) year 2024 -
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Notice for the granting of contributions to companies for the promotion of digital innovation (Digital Innovation Notice) year 2024 -

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

4550000 €

Reference site

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