The initiative intends to encourage and support the participation of companies in courses aimed at developing, in "non-formal and informal" learning contexts, transversal and orientation skills (PCTO), which allow students to obtain a specific certification third issued by the Chamber of Commerce, in consideration of the fact that the law specifically assigns to the Chambers of Commerce the function of collaborating in the creation of the certification system of skills acquired in non-formal and informal contexts and in the context of school-work alternation paths .
Who is it aimed at?
The notice is aimed at companies that have an economic activity compatible with the skills to be certified in the fields of MECHATRONICS and/or TOURISM, described in the sheet attached 1 to the notice, and host young students from the schools indicated in the notice in PCTO.
What does it predict
The benefit regulated by the announcement provides for the recognition of a contribution to cover the expenses incurred by the host company for the tutoring of hosted students following individual agreements stipulated between the company and the educational institution for the creation of PCTOs aimed at the certification of skills acquired in their field, undertaken by secondary school students, for the total number of hours established in the aforementioned agreements. The PCTOs subject to the concessions must be aimed at allowing students to participate in the Project for the Certification of Skills acquired in the fields of MECHATRONICS and TOURISM. The amount will be recognized in relation to the reference area and the number of students hosted in PCTO, with a minimum amount of €650 and maximum of €2,600. The number of hours of the single PCTO is equal to n. 160 for tourism and n. 200 for mechatronics. Additional amounts are foreseen in relation to the possession of the legality rating and the reception of students with disabilities.