The objective of this facilitation is to support businesses in the Marche region by financing projects for the innovation of business organization through the inclusion of new professional figures or for the updating of the skills of existing staff necessary for the development of business processes.
Who is it aimed at?
MSMEs of the Marche region operating (with employees) located in the territory of the Marche Region
What does it predict
The Chamber of Commerce of the Marche, as part of the actions aimed at orientation to work and professions, through collaboration with the competent public and private entities, in coordination with the Government and with the Regions and Anpal, pursuant to the article 2, paragraph e), intends to finance the following initiatives planned and implemented by companies: 1. Apprenticeship contracts for graduates of the Marche ITS; 2. Contracts for fixed-term hiring lasting (effectively) at least 4 months for graduates of the Marche ITS; 3. Training courses aimed at updating the staff of Marche companies on 4.0 enabling technologies. The company will be able to submit a maximum of two applications, each referring to one of the three financeable interventions. The relief is granted to the extent of 70% of the expenses incurred and deemed eligible and in any case up to a maximum amount of €2,500.00, for each application submitted (maximum two). The eligible expenses for employment contracts, referred to in points 1 and 2, must be stipulated from 1/06/2023 until 31/12/2023. The accepted payslips/slips are those relating to the months starting from the date of stipulation of the contract until April 2024. The training contracts, referred to in point 3, must be stipulated from 1/06/2023 until 31/ 12/2023. This training must be provided to the employees of the requesting company by 30/03/2024 exclusively by the ITS of the Marche region, while the expenses, net of VAT, recognized by this notice must be receipted by 30/04/2024. The minimum amount spent to submit an application is equal to €1,800.00. Applications for contributions can be sent from 10:00 am on 05/20/2024 to 4:00 pm on 05/24/2024 exclusively electronically, under penalty of exclusion, with digital signature, by accessing the link https://