The incentive, promoted by the Cosenza Chamber of Commerce, encourages cooperation between operators and the development of multi-sector agri-food supply chains.
Who is it aimed at?
Partnerships or business networks made up of at least three entities. The leader or business network must have its registered office in the province of Cosenza.
What does it predict
The Call finances projects presented by partnerships or business networks. The project presented must be complete with the timetable and the list of activities supported by the detailed cost plan for each partner, all the actions implemented aimed at demonstrating how the operators of the partnership or network cooperate to promote and/or sell the typical products local on the occasion of events and the commitment to: carry out at least one local promotion initiative linked to local products, create information content/services, also through digital channels, oriented towards the final consumer aimed at promoting the nutritional, traceability, quality and identity value of the product formalize at least a commercial relationship lasting a minimum of one year between two or more operators in the partnership or between an operator in the partnership and a third party. The minimum activities to be carried out must be fully implemented, and the expenses incurred must be within the reporting deadline. The vouchers will have a quantifiable amount of €5,000 for each individual participating in the partnership or business network, up to a maximum of €30,000 per project. The maximum amount of the subsidy cannot exceed 50% of the eligible expenses. The contribution is increased to 60% in the case of an entrepreneur (sole proprietorship) or a member (in the case of a company) with a disability (disabled as defined by art. 3 of law n°104 of 5 February 1992).