Call for Climate Events – Year 2023

November 21, 2023


Contribution/Repayable fund











December 11, 2023
December 18, 2023


Possibility of early closure of the tender in the event of early exhaustion of available funds or possibility of reopening the deadlines for submitting applications in the case of refinancing


Call aimed at supporting investments made by companies for the purchase of capital goods and works with which to improve the response to emergencies and for the prevention of damage caused by adverse climatic events in the Municipalities affected by the floods of September 2022 and from 1 May 2023 .

Who is it aimed at?

MSMEs located in the Municipalities of the Marche Region affected by flood events (as identified with resolutions of the Council of Ministers of 09.16.2022 and 10.19.2022, with decrees no. 4 of 09.30.2022 and no. 8 of 11.24.2022 and annex of the Commissioner delegated meteorological events of the Marche Region" and legislative decree of 06.01.2023, n. 61).

What does it predict

The Marche Chamber of Commerce, thanks also to the resources of the Equalization Fund for natural disasters made available by the national Unioncamere, intends to support the territories of the Municipalities of the Marche Region affected by the flood events of September 2022 and May 2023. The tender finances the purchase by MSMEs of goods (devices) and services (including insurance) to deal with possible unfortunate climate events through warning and prevention tools. The Marche Chamber of Commerce, thanks also to the resources of the Equalization Fund for natural disasters made available by the national Unioncamere, has provided a total allocation of €800,000.00. The investments/interventions must be carried out in the headquarters or local unit of the requesting company located within the Municipalities referred to in the art. 2 of the notice, and be related to the activity carried out there by the company. The contribution is granted up to a maximum of 50% of the eligible and receipted costs, net of VAT up to a maximum of €5,000.00 regardless of the number of goods and services purchased. Only with regard to insurance costs for damage from climatic events, the contribution is granted up to a maximum of 60% of the eligible and receipted costs, net of VAT, up to a maximum of €2,000.00 (included in the maximum contribution of €5,000.00). Only expenses incurred from 01.01.2023 to 30.11.2023 and receipted in the same period will be taken into consideration. Applications can be sent from 10:00 am on 11.12.2023 to 4:00 pm on 18.12.2023 exclusively electronically through the ONLINE “Contributions to businesses” help desk, within the Telemaco Web system of Infocamere – Servizi e -gov.

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Overheads/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector



All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;




Acqualagna; Apiro; Appignano; Arcevia; Barbara; Belvedere Ostrense; Rennet; Dressing room; Cantiano; Castelbellino; Castelfidardo; Castelleone di Suasa; Castelplanio; Cerreto d'Esi; Tracks; Corinaldo; Corridonia; Cupramontana; Hexanatoglia; Fabriano; Fano; Filottrano; Fiuminata; Fossombrone; Pediment; Gabicce Mare; Gagliole; Genga; Jesi; Loreto; Spontini Maiolati; Matelica; Mergo; Mogliano; Mondolfo; Monsano; Monte Grimano Terme; Monte Porzio; Mount Roberto; Monte San Giusto; Montecarotto; Montecassiano; Montefano; Montelabbate; Montelupone; Montemarciano; Morro d'Alba; Morrovalle; Ostra; Ostra Vetere; Penna San Giovanni; Pergola; Pesaro; Petriolo; Pieve Torina; Pioraco; Poggio San Marcello; Poggio San Vicino; Polverigi; Porto Recanati; Recanati; Rosora; San Lorenzo in Campo; San Marcello; San Paolo di Jesi; San Severino Marche; Sassocorvaro Auditore; Sassoferrato; Sefro; Senigallia; Serra San Quirico; Serra Sant'Abbondio; Serra de' Conti; Staffolo; Tolentino; Trecastelli; Treia; Urbino; Urbisaglia

Special territorial scope

Climate emergency

Other features


Managing entity

Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of the Marche region

Primary regulatory basis

Approval of criteria for the “Climate events 2023” tender for the granting of contributions to businesses in the municipalities of the Marche region damaged by climate events
Secondary regulatory basis
Territorial extension of the Climate Events Notice referred to in Council resolution no. 31 of 13-04-2023 and evaluation of extraordinary interventions in favor of companies affected by the same flood of May 2023.

Implementation measure

Adoption of the “Climate events 2023” announcement.

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

800000 €

Reference site

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