ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and Energy Transition Announcement Year 2023

December 14, 2023


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport services, Tourism







July 10, 2023
September 30, 2023


Subject to early closure due to exhaustion of resources in the event of exceeding 120% of the available allocation.


Announcement promoted by the Cuneo Chamber of Commerce for the payment of contributions to promote the ecological, social, governance and energy transition.

Who is it aimed at?

The intervention is aimed at companies with registered office and/or local units to which the activity covered by the contribution refers in the province of Cuneo.

What does it predict

The tender provides for the disbursement of contributions with a maximum amount of 7,500 euros per company, in addition to the bonuses provided for companies in possession of the legality rating (+ 250 euros) and for companies located in areas above 800 meters above sea level (+ 500 euros). The contribution is equal to 50% of eligible expenses net of VAT. The total expenses incurred net of VAT must not be less than €4,000. The following are eligible: A) Consultancy and training expenses aimed at promoting the ecological transition through the adoption of ESG criteria, B) Expenses for the purchase of management systems aimed at the corporate operation of the Governance Plans with a view to consistency with the ESG criteria , C) Consultancy expenses aimed at encouraging the rationalization of energy use by companies, through energy efficiency interventions and/or RES self-production systems, also through the participation of companies in CERs, D) Expenses for training with specific reference to the energy sector, lasting no less than 40 hours in total, aimed at achieving the qualification of Energy manager for internal resources employed permanently within the company.

Objective – Purpose

Innovation and research, Investment support, Ecological transition

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses, Services, patents and licenses, Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Large Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Micro Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agri-food, Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, Energy supply, Water and waste management, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Health, Transport services, Tourism


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;




I accept; Aisone; Sunrise; Albaretto della Torre; High; Argentera; Arguello; Bagnasco; Bagnolo Piedmont; Baldissero of Alba; Barbaresco; Barge; Barolo; Bastia Mondovì; Battifollo; Beinette; Bellino; Belvedere Langhe; Well Vagienna; Benevello; Bergolo; Bernezzo; Bonvicino; Borgo San Dalmazzo; Borgomale; Bosia; Bossolasco; Boves; Bra; Briaglia; Brig Alta; Brondello; Brossasco; Busca; Camerana; Channel; Canosio; Caprauna; Caraglio; Caramagna Piedmont; Cardè; Carrù; Cartignano; Casalgrasso; Chestnut; Casteldelfino; Castelletto Stura; Castelletto Uzzone; Castellinaldo d'Alba; Castellino Tanaro; Castelmagno; Castelnuovo di Ceva; Castiglione Falletto; Castiglione Tinella; Castino; Cavallerleone; Cavallermajor; Macra cells; Centallo; Ceresole Alba; Cerretto Langhe; Cervasca; Cervere; Ceva; Cherasco; Pesio Lock; Cigliè; Cissone; Clavesana; Corneliano d'Alba; Cortemilia; Cossano Belbo; Costigliole Saluzzo; Cravanzana; Crissolo; Wedge; Demonte; Diano d'Alba; Dogliani; Dronero; Elva; Entracque; Envie; Farigliano; Faule; Feisoglio; Fossano; Frabosa Soprana; Frabosa Sottana; Ash; Gaiola; Gambasca; Garessio; Genola; Gorzegno; Dry Gout; Govone; Grinzane Cavour; Guarene; Igliano; Isasca; La Morra; Lagnasco; Lequio Berria; Lequio Tanaro; Lesign; Levice; Piedmont lemon; Lisio; Macra; Magliano Alfieri; Magliano Alpi; Mango; Manta ray; Marene; Margarita; Marmora; Marsaglia; Martiniana Po; Melle; Moiola; Mombarcaro; Mombasiglio; Vasco Monastery; Monasterolo Casotto; Savigliano Monastery; Monchiero; Mondovì; Monesiglio; Monforte d'Alba; Montaldo Roero; Montaldo di Mondovì; Montanera; Montelupo Albese; Montemale di Cuneo; Monterosso Grana; Monteu Roero; Montezemolo; Monticello d'Alba; Monta; Moretta; Morozzo; Murazzano; Murello; Narzole; Neive; Snows; Niella Belbo; Niella Tanaro; New; Nucetto; Oncino; Ormea; Ostana; Paesana; Pagno; Pamparato; Paroldo; Perletto; Pearl; Peveragno; Pezzolo Valle Uzzone; Pianfei; Piasco; Pietraporzio; Piobesi d'Alba; Piozzo; Pocapaglia; Polonghera; Pontechianale; Pradleves; Prazzo; Priero; Priocca; Priola; Prunetto; Racconigi; Revello; Cold; Rittana; Roaschia; Roascio; Robilante; Roburent; Rocca Cigliè; Rocca de' Baldi; Roccabruna; Roccaforte Mondovì; Roccasparvera; Roccavione; Rocchetta Belbo; Roddi; Roddino; Rodello; Rossana; Ruffia; Salt; Salt of the Langhe; Saliceto; Salmour; Saluzzo; Elder; Sampeyre; San Benedetto Belbo; San Damiano Macra; San Michele Mondovì; Sanfront; Sanfrè; Sant'Albano Stura; Santa Vittoria d'Alba; Santo Stefano Belbo; Santo Stefano Roero; Savigliano; Scaglio; Scarnafigi; Serralunga d'Alba; Serravalle Langhe; Sinio; Somano; Sommariva Perno; Sommariva del Bosco; Strop; Tarantasca; Bormida Tower; Torre Mondovì; San Giorgio Tower; Torresina; Treiso; Trezzo Tinella; Trinity; Valdieri; Valgrana; Valloriate; Venasca; Verduno; Vernante; Verzuolo; Vezza d'Alba; Vicoforte; Vignolo; Villafalletto; Villanova Solaro; Villar San Costanzo; Vinadio; Viola; Vottignasco

Special territorial scope


Other features

esg, cciaa cuneo, social transition, governance transition, cuneo

Managing entity

Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Cuneo

Primary regulatory basis

Announcements in favor of companies in the province of Cuneo - year 2023 - Approval of criteria
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Announcements in favor of companies in the province of Cuneo - year 2023 - Approval of criteria

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

770000 €

Reference site

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