Incentives aimed at supporting, promoting and developing in MSMEs based in the province of Trento: - sustainability processes according to ESG criteria (environmental, social and governance aspects) and alignment paths with certifications; - digital culture and practice; - the integration of online commerce with traditional activities; The assessment tools on digital maturity, the level of IT security and monitoring in ESG terms of the company have the aim of creating or increasing awareness in companies.
Who is it aimed at?
The incentive is aimed at MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) based in the province of Trento
What does it predict
Contributions for: - Line A consultancy and/or training interventions to promote knowledge and adoption of innovative processes (digital, sustainability, certification); - Line B consultancy and/or training interventions and/or creation of systems of e-commerce; Total resources allocated 900,000 Euros. The contributions will be quantified as follows: - Line A: 70% of eligible and reporting expenses, up to a maximum of 10 thousand euros of contribution per company. Minimum project of 2 thousand Euros; - Line B: 80% of eligible and reported expenses, up to a maximum of 3,500 Euros of contribution per company. There is no minimum project amount. - Aid granted under the "de minimis" regime.