The call provides for economic support actions for the digitalisation initiatives of companies in the province of Padua, also aimed at green oriented approaches aimed at supporting the ecological transition of the production fabric. The call also aims to encourage companies to start paths to promote the ecological transition through the financing of consultancy for energy efficiency interventions and paths for the implementation of ESG sustainability policies. The eligible investment items are listed in the art. 2, paragraph 2 of the notice. Eligible (and ineligible) expenses are analytically indicated in the art. 7 of the notice. The link to the announcement on the chamber's website is: amministrazione-trasparente/sovvenzioni-contributi-sussidi-vantaggi-economici/bandi-contributi-e-premi/bandi-contributi/bandi -contributions-and-prizes-2024/call-for-disbursement-of-financial-contributions-to-support-the-double-transition-of-MSMEs-province-Padua-year-2024
Who is it aimed at?
Companies in all sectors as defined in Annex 1 of EU Regulation no. are eligible for the benefits referred to in this Notice. 651/2014, which have their registered office or a local unit in the Province of Padua, except for companies active exclusively in the primary production of fishery and aquaculture products and in the primary production of agricultural products. Eligible are companies that carry out, in addition to primary production activities, also processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products and agricultural products, as identified by the definitions in the art. 2 of Regulation 2813/2023, with the exclusion of the activities referred to in recital (7) and (8) of the same regulation. Each company can submit only one grant request. Companies that have obtained the granting of the contribution under the "Call for the provision of financial contributions to support the double digital and ecological transition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the province of Padua year 2023" of the Chamber of Trade in Padua, regardless of the actual perception of the same. The further eligibility requirements are indicated in the art. 4 of the notice.
What does it predict
The financial allocation foreseen for this intervention is €500,000.00. The contributions are assigned on a non-refundable basis, in a single payment amounting to 50% of the eligible expenses. the minimum contribution is €1,500.00 corresponding to total eligible expenses of a minimum amount of no less than €3,000.00, and the maximum contribution is €5,000.00, corresponding to total eligible expenses of a maximum amount equal to or greater than €10,000 ,00. Companies in possession of the legality rating are guaranteed a bonus of €100.00. Companies in possession of gender equality certification are guaranteed a bonus of €200.00. Expenses, net of VAT, detailed on the invoice, incurred and fully paid in the period starting from 01.01.2024 to the time of submission of the reporting documentation (deadline 02.28.2025) are considered eligible. Only invoices that report the CUP code communicated by the Chamber of Commerce to the companies eligible for the contribution will be eligible. The Notice can be cumulated with other State aid and with other public subsidies that do not have the nature of State aid, provided that the maximum intensity established by the various regulations is respected and the prohibition on overcompensation is respected. Applications for contributions must be submitted from 10:00 am on 05/27/2024 to 7:00 pm on 04/28/2024 exclusively by ELECTRONIC sending with digital signature, through the Telemaco Web desk of Infocamere - e-gov services - contributions to businesses (completely free). Documents to be attached to the electronic application form for the contribution under penalty of exclusion: Basic form produced by the Webtelemaco system Attachment AAnnex BExpenditure estimates/invoices which contribute to determining the overall value of the estimated/declared investment, as summarized in Attachment B and declared in Attachment A. NB: under penalty of exclusion, the total value of the investment declared in Attachment A (application form) must coincide with the total value calculated in Attachment B (quote/invoice summary form) and with the total value of estimates/invoices submitted. The Selfie 4.0 self-assessment report dated no earlier than 01/01/2024 must also be attached to the electronic application.