MAD - Management Advisor srl

Digital Export 2023 tender – Emilia Romagna Region

What you need to know

Emilia Romagna region

The Chambers of Commerce of Emilia-Romagna and the Emilia-Romagna Region, through the contributions made under the Digital Export 2023 Call, intend to strengthen the ability of regional companies to operate on international markets, assisting them in identifying new business opportunities in the markets already served and in the search for new outlet markets, thus contributing to increasing the competitiveness of the Emilia-Romagna production system.

Specifically, internationalization and promo-marketing paths for businesses and the regional system will be supported, contributing to increasing the number of exporting businesses, as well as supporting businesses to access the services offered by digital tools and/or to consolidate their use. .


Micro, small and medium-sized exporting and non-exporting manufacturing enterprises, with registered office and/or active operational headquarters in Emilia-Romagna without turnover restrictions.

They are excluded:

– companies benefiting from contributions under the “Digital Export – Years 2021 and 2022” tender that have renounced the contribution without communicating it in the manner and timing defined by the respective tenders;

– instrumental companies, controlled directly or indirectly by Public Administrations or other public entities.

Eligible interventions

Projects aimed at creating internationalization and promotional-marketing paths presented by individual companies, aimed at strengthening their presence abroad and/or developing promotional channels and tools abroad, are eligible for financing.

The projects must be aimed at a maximum of 2 foreign countries homogeneous due to similarity in the type of target sectors or geographical contiguity (geographical areas are excluded) and divided into at least 2 areas of activity among the following:

a) the development of internal skills through the use of TEM Temporary Export Manager and DEM Digital Export Manager in the company, alongside company staff.
In order for the action and the related costs to be considered eligible, the process of supporting the company by a senior expert in international marketing and/or in communication and web marketing or digital export must have a minimum duration of 4 months, corresponding to at least 25 full days. The path must be aimed at encouraging the implementation of a commercial strategy and the growth of the company's managerial capabilities. The senior expert, with at least two years' experience in supporting businesses (to be proven via curriculum vitae), may be supported by a junior resource - who must not be an employee of the company - also included through the use of training internships, for a minimum of 4 months, corresponding to at least 25 full days. The TEM/DEM skills will be assessed through the CV mandatory attached when submitting the application;

b) the creation of B2B and B2C meetings in person or remotely, in Italy or abroad, with operators from the target countries identified in the project.
The meetings can also be held with foreign operators from countries other than those targeted by the project, whose motivation must however be duly proven, attributable to the project and mandatorily indicated when submitting the application. The meetings held must be proven by adequate supporting documents (lists, photographic material, screenshots with date and time of the meeting if virtual, etc.);

c) participation in specialist fairs and conferences of an international nature (to be checked at the link to verify the international character of the fairs organized in Italy) and for commercial purposes. Participation can take place virtually or in person, in Italy or abroad. Replacing a trade fair is only permitted with a trade fair event of the same level. Participation in fairs/events already financed for the same beneficiaries by the "Call for support for export promotion projects and participation in trade fair events in 2023" of the Emilia-Romagna Region will not be admitted under this Notice. When submitting the application, it is mandatory to communicate any further requests for public contributions for the same event, in addition to the outcome of the application (waiting and/or obtaining);

d) the implementation of digital marketing activities through one or more digital channels: positioning on search engines, digital advertising (including sponsorships during an event), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), DEM (direct E -mail Marketing).
All digital marketing activities must necessarily be carried out through a consultancy company. The choice of the promotion tool must be justified and motivated in detail with respect to the objective of strengthening the presence abroad and/or the development of promotion channels and tools abroad. The activity must also be connected to the identified target countries and report data and precise statistics that attest to the benefits for the company with respect to the proposed internationalization project;

e) the start and development of online business management through the use and correct positioning on platforms: membership fees for digital showcases/platforms/positioning on international platforms/marketplaces/smart payment systems for rapprochement online business management; creation of landing pages;

f) the translation of the contents of the company website into the foreign language of the project target country(s), provided that they are aimed at the development of promotional activities;

g) the strengthening of promotional and marketing materials in the foreign language of the project target country(s).


The minimum contribution will be equal to 5,000 euros, the maximum will amount to 10,000.00 euros. The maximum amount of the subsidy cannot exceed 50% of the eligible expenses. The contributions provided for in this Notice are granted under the "Regime de minimis".


From 12:00 on 09 October 2023 and until 14:00 on 27 October 2023.

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Who is it aimed at?

Small Enterprises, Medium Enterprises, Micro Enterprises, SMEs, MSMEs


Non-repayable contribution


October 27, 2023


October 9, 2023

Geographic area

Emilia Romagna



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