The Tuscany Region, in line with its statutory purposes, with regional law 4/2022 "Guardians of the Tuscan mountains. Provisions aimed at combating depopulation and revitalizing the social and economic fabric of mountain territories", with this announcement, intends to protect mountain territories by promoting interventions aimed at combating the depopulation of these areas, revitalizing and redeveloping their social and economic fabric. To achieve this aim, this intervention regulates the operating methods for implementing the art. 2 of the aforementioned law which provides for specific measures in favor of the creation of new productive activities, or in support of the reorganization of already existing activities in the territories of mountain municipalities. This announcement also intends to support the signing of the "Community Pact", pursuant to art. 3 of LR 4/2022, between the beneficiary companies and the reference municipality for the active management of the forest, the care of the territory and for social activities.
Who is it aimed at?
The following can apply for contributions: - Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Annex I of Reg. (EU) no. 651/2014, including freelancers, - Other entities operating in entrepreneurial activities; - People individuals who undertake to set up an economic activity within 6 months from the date of the admission provision;- with operational headquarters/local unit located: a) in one of the mountain municipalities provided for in Annex B to Law 68/2011, in localities with altitude not lower than 500 meters above sea level; - belonging to all production sectors. In the case of companies carrying out agricultural activities, the altitude requirement must concern at least fifty percent of the land on which the activity is carried out.
What does it predict
The contribution is granted to mainly support liquidity expenses to combat depopulation and to revitalize the social and economic fabric of mountain territories".