Announcement for grants for economic activities and management expenses of the Municipality of Bondone - 2022

December 11, 2023


Contribution/Repayable fund


Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol


Other services, Crafts, Commerce, Construction, Catering, Transport services







November 21, 2023
December 22, 2023


No additional notes


Announcement for the granting of contributions to economic activities to cover management expenses for the year 2022 from the Fund to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities, referred to in art. 1 co. 65-ter law 27 December 2017, n. 205

Who is it aimed at?

Companies that, regardless of their legal form, satisfy all the following requirements can be beneficiaries of the intervention: a) qualify as micro-enterprises or small enterprises, as per decree 1 of the Ministry of Economic Development of 18 April 2005; b) carry out, on the date of submission of the application and through one or more operational units (local units) located in the territory of the Municipality of Bondone, a commercial activity, in the sectors corresponding to the ATECO codes reported in Annex B, or a craft activity, falling within the requirements of the Framework Law for crafts, Law 8 August 1985, n. 443; c) are duly established and registered in the Business Register and are active at the time of submission of the application, or are in the process of being established, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 5; d) are not in a state of liquidation or bankruptcy, or are not subject to bankruptcy or composition with creditors procedures and in compliance with the Durc legislation; e) have a VAT number; f) are able to comply with state aid legislation (see article 4 of this notice). g) are in compliance as of 31/12/2022 with all tax and non-tax payments (including arrears) due to the Municipality of Bondone (imis, aqueduct, sewerage, purification, single property fee for occupations and advertising, sanctions for violation to municipal regulations and municipal provisions). Anyone who has had access to the installment procedures and is up to date with the related payments is not considered to be in a debt position; h) have recorded as of 31.12.2022 a reduction in turnover equal to or greater than 5% compared to 31.12.2019. Also eligible for the contribution in question are agricultural entrepreneurs who meet the requirements referred to in paragraph 1, letters a), c), d), e), f), g) and h), and carry out, in the territory of the Municipality of Bondone, sales activity, pursuant to art. 4 Legislative Decree 18 May 2001, n. 228. Newly established companies are also eligible to request the contribution (new activities meaning those activated in the year 2020, 2021 and 2022 and in operation on the date of submission of the application - excluding pre-existing activities for which in the year 2020 /2021/2022 only the company name has changed). However, on the date of granting the contribution, the beneficiary must possess all the requirements indicated in paragraph 1 with the exception of the requirement set out in letter h).

What does it predict

The contribution is configured as a non-repayable compensation for part of the management costs incurred by the company for the commercial, artisanal or sales activity of the agricultural product, as detailed in the art. 2, carried out through one or more local units established in the Municipality of Bondone in the 2022 financial year. The disbursements incurred from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 to cover the following cost items constitute restorable management expenses: 1. – real estate rentals , 2. – electricity/telephone/heating utilities, 3. – rental of equipment for ordinary activities, 4. – cleaning and sanitization of the premises, 5. – personnel expenses, 6. – expenses for company accounting, 7. – company security expenses. The expenses for which compensation is requested in whole or in part must be documented by regular invoices (or other documents with equivalent probative value, if the conditions apply) addressed to the beneficiary and duly receipted. Self-invoices are not eligible, nor are refunds for any VAT paid on management costs incurred. The expenses in question must not be covered by other public or private financing.

Objective – Purpose

Business crisis

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Personnel costs, Services, patents and licenses, Services, patents and licenses, Overheads/other charges, Overheads/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Other services, Crafts, Commerce, Construction, Catering, Transport services


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;


Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol


Adro; Agnosine; Alfianello; Anfo; Spa Corner; Artogne; Azzano Mella; Bagnolo Mella; Bagolino; Barbariga; Barghe; Bassano Bresciano; Bedizzole; Berlingo; Berzo Demo; Lower Berzo; Bienno; Bione; Bondone; Borgo San Giacomo; Borgosatollo; Borno; Botticino; Bovegno; Bovezzo; Brandico; Braone; Breno; Brescia; Brione; Cain; Calcined; Calvagese della Riviera; Calvisano; Capo di Ponte; Capovalle; Capriano del Colle; Roe deer; Carpenedol; Castegnato; Castel Mella; Castelcovati; Castenedolo; Chaste; Neutered; Cazzago San Martino; Cedegolo; Cellatica; Cerveno; Class; Cevo; Clear; Squeaks; Cimbergo; Cividate Camuno; Coccaglio; Collebeato; Collio; Cologne; Comezzano-Cizzago; Concesio; Frankish Court; Corteno Golgi; Corzano; Darfo Boario Terme; Dell; Desenzano del Garda; Edolo; Erbusco; Esine; Fiesse; Flero; Gambara; Gardone Riviera; Gardone Val Trompia; Gargnano; Gavardo; Ghedi; Gianico; Gottolengo; Gussago; Hydro; Anvil; Irma; Iseo; Isister; Lavenone; Leno; Limone sul Garda; Lodrino; Lograto; Lonato del Garda; Longhena; Losine; Lozio; Lumezzane; Maclodius; Magasa; Mairano; Malegno; Malonno; Manerba del Garda; Manerbio; Marcheno; Marmentino; Marone; Mazzano; Milzano; Moniga del Garda; Monno; Monte Isola; Monticelli Brusati; Montichiari; Montirone; Walls; Musclelines; Ship; Niardo; Cloudy; Nuvolera; Odol; Offlaga; Ome; Ono San Pietro; Orzinuovi; Orzivecchi; Hospital bed; Oxymus; Padenghe sul Garda; Paderno Franciacorta; Paisco Loveno; Paitone; Palazzolo sull'Oglio; Paratico; Paspardo; Passirano; Mella Peacock; Pertica Alta; Low Pertica; Pezzaze; Pian Camuno; Piancogno; Pisogne; Polaveno; Polpenazze del Garda; Pompiano; Poncarale; Wooden Bridge; Pontevico; Pontoglio; Pozzolengo; Pralboino; Preseglie; Prevails; Provaglio Val Sabbia; Provaglio d'Iseo; Puegnago del Garda; Quinzano d'Oglio; Remedello; Rezzato; Roccafranca; Rodengo Saiano; Roncadelle; Rovato; Roè Volciano; Rudian; Sabbio Churches; Marasino salt; Salò; San Felice del Benaco; San Gervasio Bresciano; St. Paul; San Zeno Naviglio; Sarezzo; Saviore dell'Adamello; Sellero; Seniga; Serle; Sirmione; Soiano del Lago; Sonic; Sulzano; Tavernole sul Mella; Temu; Tignale; Torbole Casaglia; Toscolano-Maderno; Troubled; Tremosine sul Garda; Trenzano; Treviso Bresciano; Urago d'Oglio; Vallio Terme; Valvestino; Verolanuova; Verolavecchia; Vestone; Vezza d'Oglio; Villa Carcina; Villachiara; Villanuova sul Clisi; Vione; Visano; Vobarno; Zones

Special territorial scope

Internal areas

Other features


Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

Support fund for economic, artisanal and commercial activities of the municipalities of the internal areas referred to in the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 09/24/2020 (official gazette no. 302 of 12/04/2020), 2021 year
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Prime Ministerial Decree 24 September 2020 Contributions to the municipalities of internal areas from the support fund for artisanal and commercial economic activities: Approval of the Measure for the year 2020

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

13624 €

Reference site

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