The measure finances complex industrial research and experimental development projects for a total amount of at least 3,500,000.00 euros carried out with collaboration between SMEs, large companies and research organisations, to encourage large strategic investments for the development of product or process innovations .
Who is it aimed at?
Partnerships of at least 3 subjects up to a maximum of 8 subjects composed of companies (SMEs and large companies) and public and private research and knowledge dissemination (Od R) bodies, including universities, research institutes and IRCCS. The Partnerships must be made up of a minimum of three and up to a maximum of eight partners, of which at least one SME and one Od R. The partnership must necessarily have at least one SME and an Od R.
What does it predict
Non-repayable contribution up to a maximum of 5,000,000.00 euros per Partnership according to the following percentages: a) Small businesses: 60% of eligible expenses; b) Medium businesses: 50% of eligible expenses; c) Large companies and research organisations: 40% of eligible expenses.