The call provides for economic support for investments in agriculture aimed at spreading sustainable crops or livestock that enhance the territory, develop a culture of respect for the environment and, at the same time, can reconcile respect for the environment with the need for economic development of the territory .
Who is it aimed at?
Agricultural MSMEs (as defined in Annex 1 of Regulation (EU) 651/2014 of 17 June 2014) where agricultural business activity means the exercise of business activities included in the art. can apply. 2135 cc, their cooperatives and consortia; Only agricultural businesses registered in the Special Section of the Business Register as an agricultural business or as a small entrepreneur/direct farmer, which have an operational headquarters in the territorial district of the Padua Chamber of Commerce, are eligible. The aforementioned location must appear in the Company Registry database and can coincide with the registered office or with a local unit. Each company can submit only one grant request. In the event of multiple applications being submitted, only the first application submitted in chronological order will be taken into consideration.
What does it predict
The financial allocation foreseen for this intervention is €250,000.00. The contributions are assigned on a non-refundable basis, in a single payment amounting to 30% of the eligible expenses. the minimum contribution is €500.00 corresponding to total eligible expenses of a minimum amount of no less than €1666.67 and the maximum contribution is €3,000.00, corresponding to total eligible expenses of a maximum amount equal to or greater than €10,000, 00. Expenses, net of VAT, detailed on the invoice, incurred and fully paid in the period starting from 01.01.2024 at the time of submission of the application are considered eligible. NB: pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree 02/24/2023 n. 13, converted into law 21 April 2023, n. 41, only invoices bearing the unique project code (CUP) that the Chamber of Commerce will communicate to companies following a provisionally positive outcome of the investigation of the contribution request procedure will be eligible for the tender, under penalty of exclusion of the expense document from the calculation. of the eligible expenditure; the provisional beneficiary companies will have to proceed through a specific procedure to integrate the expense receipt with the indication of the CUP, in the manner indicated by the Revenue Agency in the response to request no. 438 of 2020, exclusively electronically, in the manner provided for by Revenue Agency Circular 14/E 2019, as better specified in Annex C "Integration of expenditure documents with indication of the CUP code; The invoices must also include the reference to the announcement with the following wording: NOTICE 24GE CCIAA PADUA. The Notice can be cumulated with other State aid and with other public subsidies that do not have the nature of State aid, provided that the maximum intensity established by the various regulations is respected and the prohibition on overcompensation is respected. The contributions are granted pursuant to EU Reg. de minimis 1408/2013 and 2831/2023, based on the type of subsidized expenditure.